Club Office: Past Secretary, 2 years. I have been a member of Torch Club of the Fox Valley for the past six years.
Current Occupation: I am a founder/advisor for Valley New School, a student-driven project-based 7-12 charter school of the Appleton Area School District.
Degrees Held: BS from Lawrence University.
Teaching Experience : I have taught for 38 years in Appleton. Most of my time was spent teaching mathematics in a middle and high school. In 2000 I started the planning and eventual implementation of a small charter school in Appleton. The creation of the Valley New School is the highlight of my professional career -- a place of total staff cooperation and honesty where students and advisors truly want to be.
Community Involvement: The Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is the center for my community service and involvement, in addition to supporting several non-profits in the valley.
Hobbies and other activities: I enjoy music, professional reading, gardening, home improvement, and travel with my wife Marcia.
Statement: Torch provides a unique combination of interesting people and topics. It is both interesting and socially enjoyable.