TORCH MEETING MINUTES for April 12, 2012
Notes taken by: Richard Schoenbohm
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, Al Button, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, David Woods, Donna Weiss, Dwight Easty, Janet, Maria Debbink, Nancy, Peter Thiel, Bob Swain, Scott, Richard Schoenbohm
Guests: Christine Button and Jude Kuenn.
- Approval of the minutes from the last meeting was moved by Jim and seconded by Barb. There was no discussion. Motion passed.
- Acceptance of the financial report was moved by Donna and seconded by Alan. Barb reported the balance as of 4/5/2012 was $4,427 (rounded to the nearest dollar). Motion passed.
- Bill reported that Alan was the only delegate from the club to the National Convention. Bill asked again for other volunteers to contact him.
- The Magical Mystery Tour will be Saturday, May 12th. Meet at the Atlas Coffee Mill a 8 am to board the bus. Lunch and dinner will be on the road. Expect to return to Atlas by about 8 pm. Attendees can sign the list for themselves and guests during the meeting or contact Amy no later than the evening of Monday, April 16th. (Approximately $2,000 has been budgeted from the treasury for the event.)
- Bill said that at the next meeting we should be prepared to discuss presentation topics for the upcoming year. There may be another round table discussion, possibly in September, on a topic selected by Scott. The Kelly's are hoping to host a summer party again.
- Bill also urged recruitment of new, quality members.
- Bill: Mary Poulson is home now and sends greetings
- Bill reported that Dwight would present at the May meeting and will send out urls for us to look at in advance of the meeting.
- On Dwight's suggestion, it was urged that any member who had not updated their information on the Torch Club website should do so.
The business meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent.
David presented a very informative talk on the costs of energy production and the impact that that analysis should have on future energy research and choices.