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TORCH MEETING MINUTES for April 12, 2012
Notes taken by: Richard Schoenbohm
Attendees:   Jim Baumbach, Al Button, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, David Woods, Donna Weiss, Dwight Easty, Janet, Maria Debbink, Nancy, Peter Thiel, Bob Swain, Scott, Richard Schoenbohm

Guests:  Christine Button and Jude Kuenn.


  1. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting was moved by Jim and seconded by Barb.  There was no discussion.  Motion passed.
  2. Acceptance of the financial report was moved by Donna and seconded by Alan.  Barb reported the balance as of 4/5/2012 was $4,427 (rounded to the nearest dollar).  Motion passed.
  3. Bill reported that Alan was the only delegate from the club to the National Convention.  Bill asked again for other volunteers to contact him.
  4. The Magical Mystery Tour will be Saturday, May 12th.  Meet at the Atlas Coffee Mill a 8 am to board the bus.  Lunch and dinner will be on the road.  Expect to return to Atlas by about 8 pm.  Attendees can sign the list for themselves and guests during the meeting or contact Amy no later than the evening of Monday, April 16th.   (Approximately $2,000 has been budgeted from the treasury for the event.)
  5. Bill said that at the next meeting we should be prepared to discuss presentation topics for the upcoming year.  There may be another round table discussion, possibly in September, on a topic selected by Scott.  The Kelly's are hoping to host a summer party again.
  6. Bill also urged recruitment of new, quality members.
  7. Bill:  Mary Poulson is home now and sends greetings
  8. Bill reported that Dwight would present at the May meeting and will send out urls for us to look at in advance of the meeting. 
  9. On Dwight's suggestion, it was urged that any member who had not updated their information on the Torch Club website should do so.

The business meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent. 


David presented a very informative talk on the costs of energy production and the impact that that analysis should have on future energy research and choices.
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