Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
14 April 2016
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Notes taken by: Jude Kuenn, secretary
Attendees: Karen Bachhuber, Nancy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Jean Jepson, Jude Kuenn, Cam Maurice, Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Smith, Bob Swain, Helen Thiel, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, Sofia Wilson
Guests: Dick Fink, Betsy Dana, Bill Scheirer
Meeting called to order at 6:40pm.
- Guest Introductions: Richard introduced guests Dick Fink, District Governor, Torch International, and Appletonian Betsy Dana with her Lehigh PA friend, Bill Scheirer.
- Minutes from 3/10/16 meeting were accepted, motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report: 4/08/16 balance remained unchanged from March at $2,082.81. Richard read Barbara’s report in her absence. It was accepted, motioned and approved.
- Report of Dick Fink: from Kalamazoo MI, Dick appreciated our club’s hospitality. He reminded us we joined Region 6 in 2015. Dick gave us advance notice the Torch Club of the Fox Valley will be nominated as best club in Region 6 with this comment, “In the hinterland, TCFV perseveres and perpetuates the Torch Mission.” In June 2016, Dick will become IATC President, having had the honor of being nominated for the position. Replacement District Governor for Region 6 will be announced. Dick encouraged everyone to attend June’s IATC Convention in Columbus, OH. He also announced Kalamazoo will host the 2017 Convention, having previous hosted it in 1980 and either 1985 or 1986.
- Old Business:
A. 2016 IATC Convention ‘Come Discover Columbus’ will be June-23-26, in Columbus, OH. Bill and Barbara Kelly offered to be alternate attendees. Donna Weis confirmed she will attend and represent us. If five meetings are attended, IATC will reimburse attendee $250. Treasurer will coordinate the reimbursement with club representative. - New Business:
A. Sign up to give a program next year: Paul Freiberg mentioned September, February and May are open if you’d like to present a topic.
B. Other new business: none. - Announcements:
A. Mary Poulson shared 4/20/16 Noonhour Philosophers’ speaker will be Rosanangela Berbert, Director, The Samaritan Counseling Service of the Fox Valley. Topic: “The Good Samaritan”. The last Noonhour talk is 4/27/16, “Spring into Poetry” with Rusty McKenzie, Poet. Mary thanked Richard for talking on “Redistricting”, a last minute request when a scheduled speaker cancelled. The League of Women Voters offers non-political topics for talks as well.
B. While Cam Maurice couldn’t talk at Noonhour Philosophers’, she suggested we each send a poem to someone, to brighten their day.
C. Al Button was in Appleton, inducted into the Paper Hall of Fame.
D. With an upcoming family reunion in Germany, Richard will be unable to attend 5/12/16 evening. Paul will chair final Spring meeting. We will reconvene 9/08/16.
E. Jan Smith gave a preview of next art installation at the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass. The artist is a veteran dealing with PTSD. His work has given him purpose and meaning.
F. Annual Summer Gathering plans will be emailed.
Business segment adjourned at 7:05pm for dinner.
Jan Smith presented “WHAT IF: Education of the future were different? And museums played an integral role?”
Museums. How can they attract and maintain visitors? What is a museum’s role in a city? Outreach? Ambassador? They are part of our civic fabric, creating community partnerships. Museums globally have ‘soft power’. They are a gathering spot for social interaction.
Future Museums – what could the next 10 years look like?
- Current educational systems are not meeting student needs
- Education is increasingly non-traditional (i.e. home schooling)
- There is a funding crisis
- Increases in digital technology and capabilities continue to grow
Drivers of Change
- Extracurricular learning places
- Schools not in walking distance
- “Gig” economy – stringing jobs together vs. knowledge-based jobs
- Mindreading technology
Events: Digital media forum – open source course offerings
Choices: Online courses as an alternate to traditional learning; affects collaborative learning
Helping to Define the Future
- NeuroFocus – EEG microscanner as a marketing device
Khan Academy – immediate feedback to how students are learning - Mozilla – digit badges from life learning; with an open badge system, created in 2011 so that we can create a learning grid for ourselves
Where do Museums fit in Civic Mix?
- Partnerships
- Learning networks (i.e. museum can partner with Y programs, complementing after school
- Digital connectivity
- Maker spaces
What are 21st century skills needed?
Critical thinking Self-regulation Agility and adaptability
Entrepreneurships Grit Resilience
Curiosity and imagination Vision Empathy
Hope and optimism Collaboration Effective written and oral communication skills
Do we need a new structure of education? Museums do that!
- Informal learning and exploration
- Self-guided tour
- Self-paced instruction
Some museums have these trends:
Pittsburgh: You media spaces – project-based learning
Boston Children’s Museum – creative partnerships
Henry Ford – Innovation 101 (for people interested in new ideas)
Big Picture Learning: project-based
Moving Forward – one style vs. another
Vibrant – Integrated learning grid
- Learn together
- Unbounded learning
- Learning playlists
- Individualized programs
Fractured landscape – many choices with little guidance
- Widening educational gaps
- Learning profits
- Continued marginalization
- Uncertain pathways
What can Museums do today?
- Play a role in major transformation
- Be a catalyst
- Be relevant
- Be top of mind in education
Conversation to be continued!