Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
8 April 2021
Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan
Attendees: Sue Bennett, Brian Bushaw, Terri Daugherty, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Richard Schoenbohm, Kris Stahl, Scott Valitchka, Bert Wiegand
Guests: Sofia Wilson and Dwight Williams, Regional Director, International Association of Torch Clubs (IATC)
Dwight Williams, our IATC Regional Director in Michigan joined and invited us to drop him a line if we have any questions or comments on IATC. He said they are currently planning the annual convention which will most likely be on Zoom this year. IATC especially encourages everyone to attend the Paxton award ceremony. The Paxton Award, created in honor and memory of W. Norris Paxton, past president of the International Association of Torch Clubs and editor emeritus of the Torch Magazine, is given to the author of an outstanding paper presented by a Torch member at a Torch meeting.
Paul called the meeting to order at 6:14.
Paul announced that Kris Stahl's second presentation is now published in the Winter 2021 Torch magazine.
March's minutes were approved by consensus.
Treasurer's report from Barb:
Current balance: $2,857.31
There were no changes since last month. IATC has not yet billed us.
The treasurer's report was accepted by consensus.
Bill reported that we still need a speaker for May. Please contact him if interested or he will figure something out. Dwight noted that IATC now has a speaker's bureau. They can arrange to have a Torch club speaker give a live or videotaped presentation.
Barb announced that she and Bill hope to again host the summer party in their garden on August 12. The party may not include the usual inside buffet, but the garden is coming along nicely and hopefully most of us will be vaccinated by then.
Paul asked for feedback on the possibility of holding our meetings in person again beginning in September. Barb noted that the River Tyme Bistro is receiving good reviews for their food and covid precautions. They replaced the Atlas Cafe where we used to hold meetings. Scott said he and Jan would be receptive to in person meetings as long as we can follow the prevailing health guidelines.
Mary F. announced that the Neenah Historical Society will be holding a Zoom presentation on the Native American Archaeological Investigation Beneath Neenah's Lakeshore Avenue. The dig began last summer after artifacts were found during road construction. The presentation is on 4/15/2021 at 7 PM and can be accessed at https://www.facebook.com/neenahpubliclibrary.
The business meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM.
Sophia presented, Tai Chi - Science in Moving Slow. You can access her notes and slides here:
Afterwards Sophia agreed to give a future presentation on the World War II Shanghai internment camp where her father was born and first learned Tai Chi.
Our next meeting will be on May 13.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.