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Meeting Minutes

M i n u t e s
13 December 2007
Butte des Morts Country Club

Jim Baumbach, Al Button, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Leota Ester, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Helen Thiel (guest), Len Weis, Donna Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak

PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order. MINUTES of 8 November were aproved as written. TREASURER Peter Thiel reported a balance of $1,523.89. (Dues of $380.00 for 18 members were paid to International.) There is a $20.00 overage because Salman Aziz is leaving the state and has resigned.

Len Weis gave the Task Force Report:
                Lunch at Paper Discovery; split group in two and offer choices
                Friday give choices plus Walking Tour
                More time needed for speakers
                We’re “right on schedule”
                Gayle Strickland/Len offered to put documents in print
                Peter has a spreadsheet of expense items
                By May we should have fees
                                Discussion of costs
                Have to choose subjects for talks: Science, History, Politics, Arts
                Task Force for next time:
                                Bring new version with speakers and topics

Barb Kelly reported on her discussions about the question of IATC dues increases. Richard Allen (former librarian!) and Ann Sterling say they are cutting back on the deficit, Board liability insurance was cancelled; there have been no issues of Torchlight  for some months; dues have not been raised in several years. Nothing was said about a new building. Barb says we are “not getting good answers but $10 won’t cover what they’re saying needs to be covered.On the whole, it’s not an unreasonable amount.” Barb will give Richard Allen a summary reply and keep talking.

Barb and Janet passed out a variety of menu possibilities from Atlas Coffee Mill & Café. After a discussion of our moving in January to Atlas Coffee Mill & Café, Mary Poulson made a motion to do that. Al Button seconded. Motion unanimously passed.

Barb announced that we need to have nominations in for Regional Director by the first of March. Our annual meeting should be in March so she will appoint a nomination committee in February.

International nominations are also needed. Barb will “urge” Len Weis on behalf of the rest of us. Richard Allen is willing to be nominated for a two-year commitment as Director of Region 7 beginning July 2008.

Leota Ester will read her poetry at the January meeting to replace the program by Salman Aziz who has had to resign.

 Peter Thiel followed with his program: Artist, Andrew Wyeth.

Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary


©2011 Torch Club of the Fox Valley