TORCH MEETING MINUTES for December 13, 2012
Notes taken by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Irene Strohbeen, Jim Baumbach, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Bob Swain, Richard Schoenbohm, Bill Kelly, Amy Oberg, David Debbink, Debbie Debbink, Peter Thiel, Leota Ester, Barb Kelly, Scott Valitchka, David Woods, Jean Jepson, Jude Kuenn, Jan Smith, Al Button.
Guest: Larry Abitz (Richard’s guest)
1. Meeting called to order at 6:30
2. Welcome to Guest Larry Abitz
3. Minutes from the last meeting. Motioned and approved.
4. Treasurer’s report from Barb: Motioned and approved.
Barb reports that we still will owe IATC $550 for remaining annual dues.
Barb also reports that Treasurer’s reports will no longer be posted on the Web with our monthly minutes. They will continue to come to all members via next meeting notices and at regular business meetings.
5. Announcement: Peter Thiel – Pictures of Len Weiss’s memorial plaque are available.
6. Business meeting adjourned.
PROGRAM: David Woods, showing of White Wash movie (edited version).