Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
12 December 2019
Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan
Attendees: Karen Bachhuber, Sue Bennett, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Smith, Kris Stahl, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Donna Weis
Paul called the meeting called to order at 6:22 pm.
There were no guests to introduce this time. Paul recommended we personally invite potential members to attend as guests.
Meeting minutes from 11/14/2019 were motioned, seconded, and approved.
Barb gave the treasurer’s report:
Balance on 11/8 - $2,802.74
Receipts for dinner payments - $180
Dues received - $695
Meal payment to Touchmark - $178
Balance in account on 12/6 - $3,499.74.
Barb noted that everyone needs to pay dues right after the first of the year as the payment to IATC is due in January.
The treasurers report was motioned, seconded, and accepted.
The IATC conference is in North Carolina in June. We will discuss this in the new year.
Reed Taylor will be attending the February meeting next year to talk about attracting new members.
Paul asks that everyone try to get to Touchmark by 5:45 pm in the future so we can be seated and get our dinner orders in by 6. If you need to be late, tell the secretary what you would like to order when you RSVP.
We will follow the Appleton School District on cancellations due to weather. If the schools are open, the meeting will be held.
Mary Paulson announced that the Noonhour Philosophers January 8, 2020 speaker will be Arnold Shober. He will talk about political situations. Our Jan Smith will also be speaking at Noonhour Philosophers later in the year. The presentations are held at First English Lutheran Church, 326 E. North St., Appleton, at noon on Wednesdays. Mary will bring a list of future presentations to our next meeting.
Barb announced that the League of Women Voters’, Women’s Vote Centennial Celebration kickoff brunch will be held on Saturday, December 14 at the PAC. Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner will speak on the influence of Native American women on early suffragists. The brunch is sold out.
Jan announced that the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum will be holding it’s Festivus celebration on December 19. See https://bmmglass.com/event/festivus/ for more information.
The business meeting adjourned at 6:34 pm.
At 7:11 Sue presented her paper on Trash Talk.
Her presentation can be found here.
We adjourned at 8:20 pm.