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Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
10 December 2020

Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan

Attendees: Sue Bennett, Karen Bachhuber, Brian Bushaw, Terri Dougherty, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Erik Hanson, Walt Hedges, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Mirenda Smith, Kris Stahl, Robert Swain, Scott Valitchka, Bert Wiegand.
Guest: Sofia Wilson


Paul called the meeting to order at 6:12 PM.

November's minutes were approved by consensus.

Treasurer's report from Barb:
Beginning balance in account: $3,003.07
Dues paid: +20.00
Dues refunded -20.00
Current balance: $3,003.07
Two-year website renewal payment of $216 due December 18 was approved.

Seven members still owe $10 dues. Barb asks that you let her know if you don't plan to renew your membership.  She will have to pay $50 (first member in household) or $40 (second member) to the international organization for each member in January. Please pay by mailing a check. She will resend her address.
The treasurer's report was accepted.

Bill said that Kris will give a presentation in March but we have openings for presentations on February 11, April 8,and May 13.  The January 14th meeting will include a round-table discussion on the topic, “What good things have happened during the pandemic.”

Business meeting adjourned at 6:21 PM.

Richard presented his paper:  What’s There to Eat? Population Growth Food and Bugs.

Meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM.
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