Torch Club of The Fox Valley Torch Logo

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Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
16 December 2021

Touchmark on West Prospect

Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan

Attendees: Nancy Bodway, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Jan Smith, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Donna Weis

Guest: Greta Rogers


Paul called the meeting to order at 5:57 PM.

Mary Poulson introduced her guest and good friend, Greta Rogers, “a former skier and woman of many talents.”

Paul announced that Al Button, a longtime former Torch Club member, had passed away. He died in Virginia of COVID-related pneumonia on October 11, 2020. His obituary ( was just posted locally this month. Al was a leader in the paper industry and was instrumental in establishing the Paper Discover Center. Barb will check with them about a possible book memorial donation from us in Al's name.

The November minutes were approved with no changes.

The treasurer's report from Barb was accepted.
Balance in account as of 11/11/2021 was $1,921.14.
Payments: $240.50 to Touchmark for meals and $18.99 to Appleton Trophy for a member pin.
Receipts: $860 for dues payments and $242 for meal payments.
Balance as off 12/10/2021 was $2,763.65.

Torch Club membership dues are $70 for the first member and $45 for subsequent members in a household. Barb asked that if you have not paid your dues yet please do so or advise her if you don't intend to renew. She will need to remit our dues to IATC soon.

Business meeting adjourned at 6:12 PM.

Marcia presented Scrimshaw: A Brief Overview of the Whalerfs Art at 6:50 PM. The art of scrimshaw was started over two centuries  ago in New England. Whaling ships sailing from New Bedford and Nantucket often had many hours of downtime between whale sightings. Scratching on the bones and teeth of whales using simple tools and dyes became a popular pastime. Scrimshaw is still practiced using other hard surfaces now. As they are an endangered species it is no longer legal in the U.S. to harvest whales. Marcia has always had a special interest in Scrimshaw as that is her maiden name.

The meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM.
Fox Cities Online | Contact Us: 920 731-2610 Copyright: 2025 Torch Club of the Fox Valley