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Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
15 December 2022

Notes taken by:  Sue Bennett, Secretary

Attendees:  Nancy Bodway, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Bill Kelly, Barb Kelly, Mary Poulson, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, Bert Wiegand
Virtual attendees: Jan Mirenda Smith, Scott Vaiitchke, Sue Bennett
Virtual guest: Sofia Wilson

BUSINESS MEETING was called to order by President Paul at 6:05 p.m.

Minutes of the November Meeting were approved. 

Treasurer’s report was approved as reported with a balance of $2,804.48.  
Barb stated that she will be sending IATC their portion of the dues in January.  Please let her know by December 31, 2022 if you will not be renewing your membership.  It was agreed by members that Barb will not be paying ITAC dues for members who have not paid.    
Paul will be submitting a bill for reimbursement for the new sound equipment he purchased for the club.  
Barb reported that the cost of our club website for two years will be $215.76.  It was moved by Bill and seconded by Bert that Barb pay $215.76 to GoDaddy for our website.

Business:  Paul announced the upcoming schedule of papers presenters.  Only May remains unfilled. 
We will be nominating members for new officers at our March meeting.  Anyone interested in being on the nominating committee, please let Paul know. 
Barb attended the IATC Fireside Chat and was recognized for receiving the Silver Award.  Congrats again Barb!    Also brought up at the Fireside Chat was the possibility of opening up our meetings to other chapter members via Zoom.   Members had mixed feelings with regard to this and will think about it. 
The IATC 2023 Convention will be June 22nd through June 24th in Baltimore, Maryland.  Members were encouraged to attend. 

Business meeting was adjourned at 6:22.

Presentation:   Genealogy , by Peter Thiel
Peter shared his journey of researching his family history and the development of his family tree.   He used many resources, including the Mormon genealogy microfilm, public libraries, church records, census records and interviewing relatives.   He found it interesting that some of these resources included the usual information such as dates of birth, marriage and death, as well as occupation and “color”.  
He was able to find information on tombstones and was surprised to find out about customs of the past such as how people used the parlor room in their homes and how often wives were left with next to nothing in their husband’s Will.    
Peter shared information and pictures of his family.   He was able to trace his lineage back to early America and believed that they have arrived on the Mayflower.  His family eventually migrated from the New York area to Wisconsin. 
While interviewing relatives about life in past times, he also got information on the history of Appleton’s streets, building, businesses, etc. 
Peter felt that his family history truly was American history.

Thank you for sharing Peter


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