TORCH MEETING MINUTES for February 9, 2012
Submitted by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Jim Baumbach, David D. Debbink, Peter Thiel, Dwight Easty, Jan Smith, Irene Strohbeen, Scott Valitchka, David Woods, Nancy Van Rooy Bodway, Al Button, Debbie Debbink, Barb Kelly, Richard Schoenbohm, Amy Oberg.
Guests: Miriam Douglass (Irene), Michal Ann Carley (Jan), Helen Thiel (Peter).
1. Minutes from last meeting: Approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a) Financial status
Balance forward |
$5328.19 |
Receipts |
0 |
Payments |
$19.90 |
Oberg reimb. for guest dinner |
$28.70 |
Kelly reimb. for Douglas dinner |
$10.50 |
Torch pin for Leota Ester |
Current balance |
$5269.00 |
(or thereabouts...) |
c) Motion to approve Treasurer’s report: Accepted
3. Update on Mary Paulson: Still in Madison in rehab. Likely to be there until March. Contact here directly.
4. Update on Pat Warick: Pat just celebrated her 87th birthday.
5. Memorial for Len Weiss: Press release will be run through the University. Plaque is delivered and ready to be hung. (Note: no date for plaque hanging known).
Note: Ongoing slide show during meeting of photos/slides from one of Len’s trips in the Canyon.
6. Money in Treasury (Spending)
Magical Mystery Team is making progress! No update from Mary/Janet.
7. Building Torch/Growing Clubs
No updates.
8. Torch Elections
Elections for the Board of Directors for Region 7 are coming up. Paul Douglas will run for this position.
8. National Convention
Delegates and alternates will need to be designated at March meeting. Dates of convention are June 21-24, 2012. Place: Norfolk, VA
Question for discussion for next meeting regarding delegates: should we fully or partially sponsor a person for attending this year’s convention?
9. Website
Send in profile updates and photos. Anyone needing help can contact Barb directly.
Hydraulic Fracturing in the Oil & Gas Industry; Peter Thiel