TORCH MEETING MINUTES for February 21, 2013
Notes taken by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: David Woods, Janet Wullern-Faiss Cloak, Jim Baumbach, Dwight Easty, Al Button, Donna Weiss, Jude Kuen, Bill Kelly, Mary Paulson, Scott Valitchka, Peter Thiel, Richard Schoenbohm, Barb Kelly, Jan Smith, Marcia Debbink, David Debbink, Leota Ester, Bob Swain
Guests: Christina Button (Al’s guest), Jim Brugger (Janet’s guest).
- Meeting called to order at 6:30
- Welcome to Guests.
- Minutes from the last meeting. Motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report from Barb: Motioned and approved. Note: balance of annual club dues due to IATC March 30, 2013.
- Officer Election Nominations: Scott is leading nominating committee for upcoming officer elections. Amy and Dave will serve with Scott on the committee. The slate of nominations / names will be offered at March meeting. If you are interested in serving on that committee, or in being nominated for an officer position, talk with Scott.
- Upcoming IATC convention: Convention will be in NC and we need delegates. Motion made to pay for registration fees from club funds for two delegates was approved.
- Business meeting adjourned.
PROGRAM: 3000 Years of Glass by Jan Smith.