Torch Club of The Fox Valley Torch Logo

Torch LogoMeeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley

Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary

ATTENDEESs:   Sue Bennett, Nancy Van Rooy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Paul Freiberg, Lindsay Kaminski , Barb Kelly,  Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Jan Mirenda Smith, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel.  Walt Hedges attended virtually.; Guests: Dale Lewellyn, in person; Sofia Wilson, virtually


Bill called the meeting to order at 6:04.

Bill welcomed guest Sofia and introduced Peter’s guest Dale Lewellyn, who is also a resident of Touchmark.

MINUTES: A motion was made by David to accept the minutes, which was seconded by Paul.  All were in favor and minutes were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Barb reported a balance of $3,191.04 as of Jan. 12, 2024.  Payments made were $215.00 to Touchmark for meals and $942.50 to IATC for annual dues.  Receipts were $158.00 for meal payments, leaving a balance as of Feb. 8, 2024 of $2,191.54.    Barb explained that she had paid Touchmark too much for the meals last month and that they have reimbursed her the difference.   Peter moved to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by David.  Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was approved. 

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bert was not in attendance, but Bill had the signup sheet if anyone wanted to secure their presentation date tonight.

OLD BUSINESS:  Barb explained again that IATC would like a “profession” listed on their member roster.  She passed the info sheet around again for anyone who hadn’t provided one yet.  Barb also reported that she had had a call from Tim Skowronski inquiring about a paper written by his father, George Skowronski, in 2000.  It had not been published in the Torch Magazine, so we were unable to help.

NEW BUSINESS:   Bill asked if everyone had gotten the email from IATC with regard to the Mid-Winter, All Member Fireside Chat scheduled for February 18th at 2:00 pm CT.  Most members had.  Paul spoke about the upcoming IATC Convention in June.  Since this is the Centennial Year it is sure to be extra special and he once again encouraged attendance.    Bill brought up that we will need to elect delegates for convention and the question was asked if Paul, who is also on the Board of IATC, could also be a delegate.  The answer was yes, if he is elected by our members.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 p.m.
Dinner was enjoyed with presentation to follow.

Presentation:  More Nukes and Less Kooks, by David Debbink.
David gave a very interesting presentation with regard to the latest innovations and the future of safe and sustainable nuclear energy.

Here is a link to the PPT of David's presentation

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