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Meeting Minutes

M i n u t e s
10 January 2008
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café

Al Button, Travis Christopher, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Leota Ester, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak

PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order. MINUTES of 13 December were approved as written. (Note: a correction was unwarranted.) TREASURER Peter Thiel reported that the “books are current and in good shape” at $1,333.84.

Travis Christopher reported that the Convention Task Force will e-mail a Draft Budget within a week. A proposed List of Speakers will be ready in February.

Barb Kelly noted that the regular cost for the Lancaster Convention will go up 1 February. Nominations for a Regional Director are needed by 1 March. Richard Allen would like our nomination. (Barb sent him a report on our Convention plans.) Al Button nominated Mr Allen. Bill Kelly seconded the nomination. Passed unanimously.

The Nominating Committee for 2008 will be Bob Swain and Al Button.

Bill Kelly reported the death of Sir Edmund Hillary.

Barb told about the flexibility of Atlas Coffee Mill & Café and the willingness of the Bogenschutzes to accommodate our needs and wishes. Janet asked that members e-mail suggestions for additions to the menu—or changes in general—to her or to Barb.

The business meeting adjourned at 7:10 followed by dinner (at small tables).

Leota Ester’s program was based on her journal combined with poems that she wrote when her husband, Lee, was experiencing Alzheimer’s Disease. She felt “compelled to record the stangeness, the surprises, the instances of both humor and sadness, as well as relationship changes.” A spirited discussion followed.

Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary


©2011 Torch Club of the Fox Valley