M i n u t e s
13 January 2011
Atlas Coffee Mill and Café
Present: Jim Baumbach, Al Button, Leota Ester, Barbara & Bill Kelly, Amy Oberg, Mary Poulson (Guests: Betsy Dana & William Scheirer), Jan Mirenda Smith & Scott Valitchka, Bob Swain (Guest: Richard Schoenbohm), Peter Thiel, Donna & Len Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak
PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. with the introduction of guests, Richard Schoenbohm, Betsy Dana, and William Schreirer who is a member of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of TORCH in Pennsylvania.
MINUTES were approved as written.
TREASURER’S REPORT: $36.80 expenditure for name tags. Balance $5,126.09. The excess amount that David Woods paid for dues will go toward next year’s dues—at his request.
Barb announced the need, by March, for a Nominating Committee to select officers. Any person interested in a position can then let the Nominating Committee know that.
Bill Scheirer told us about the Lehigh Valley Chapter of TORCH, the second largest chapter of all. They have no “business meeting” but only “announcements.” Some members never give a program. He then gave a brief talk about a subject of special interest to him: James von Moltke, a German lawyer, nobleman, and statesman who was executed just shortly before the end of World War II for using his position in the Nazi German intelligence service to work against Hitler. George Kennan, American diplomat, described von Motke as a “most intelligent, moral person.” Moltke’s correspondence with his wife was published as Letters to Freya and is among the great moral writings to come out of World War II.
We adjourned at 7:00 for dinner followed by Scott Valitchka’s program: An Overview of the History and Application of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary