TORCH MEETING MINUTES for January 12, 2012
Submitted by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Bill Kelly, Al Button, Bob Swain, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Smith, Scott Valitchka, Dwight Easty, Barb Kelly, Irene Strohbeen, David Woods, Leota Ester, Peter Thiel, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Amy Oberg.
Guests: Marge Swain, Paul Douglas (Reg’l Director)
(Note: Mary Paulson was unable to attend the meeting as she was recovering from surgery. Club members send Mary our best and get well wishes.)
1. Minutes from last meeting: Approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a) Financial status
Balance forward |
$5328.19 |
As of 12/9/2011 |
Receipts |
0 |
Payments |
0 |
Current balance |
$5328.19 |
c) Motion to approve Treasurer’s report: Accepted
3. Memorial for Len Weis: Jan and Peter showed the final memorial plague for Len, which will be given to the Earth Science Museum to hang. Jan & Leota will notify the Post Crescent of the Club’s gift to the Museum in honor of Len.
Suggestion: for those who did go on one of Len’s trips in the Canyon, gather pictures/slides of the trip and get to Barb and/or Bill. They’ll work to set up picture show for one of the upcoming meetings.
4. Money in Treasury (Spending)
No updates from Magical Mystery Tour team or Mary/Janet.
5. Building Torch/Growing Clubs
a. David Woods introduced Torch to friends in Montana.
b. Al and Peter are talking over idea of establishing additional clubs in Green Bay and/or Oshkosh.
6. Website
a. Meeting/event schedule is on our website. (www.torchfoxvalley.org)
b. Please update your program information, and photos, bio, etc. You can send info to Barb.
7. Torch Elections
a. Elections for the Board of Directors for Region 7 are coming up. Paul Douglas indicated that they are looking for candidates. Paul noted that he is appointed currently but will run if nominated.
8. National Convention
Will be in Portsmouth, VA this year. Cost per person until Feb 1 is $320 (will rise after that).
More About Nothing, Al Button.