TORCH MEETING MINUTES for January 10, 2013
Notes taken by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Bill Kelly, Peter Thiel, Nancy Bodway, Janet Wullern-Faiss Cloak, Jim Baumbach, Dwight Esty, David Debbink, Bob Swain, Marcia Debbink, Richard Schoenbohm, Barb Kelly, David Woods, Jan Smith, Scott Valitchka, Mary Paulson, Irene Strohbeen, Amy Oberg.
Guest: Webb Shaw (Bill Kelly’s guest).
(Note: Jean Jepson was unable to attend meeting due to broken knee-cap – we wish you well Jean! Al Button was unable to attend due to the flu – get well soon Al!).
- Meeting called to order at 6:30
- Welcome to Guest Webb Shaw.
- Minutes from the last meeting. Motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report from Barb: Motioned and approved.
- Elections: elections for our club are coming up in March. Scott is the lead for the nominating committee. If you are interested in serving on that committee, or in being nominated for a position, talk with Scott.
- Next month we will need to find another venue or date for our meeting, due to a conflict at Atlas. After discussion on options, we decided to move our meeting out by one week in Feb, rather than change venues. So, please note: our next meeting will be on Thursday February 21 at Atlas Café.
- Business meeting adjourned.