Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
09 January 2014
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Notes taken by: Jude Kuenn, secretary
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Paul Freiburg, Jean Jepson, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly,
Jude Kuenn , Amy Oberg, Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Webb Shaw, Jan Smith, Irene Strohbeen,
Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, David Woods
Guests: Cynthny Anderson, Betsy, Bill
1. Meeting called to order at 6:40pm
2. Welcome guests
3. Minutes from 12/12/13 meeting had one correction regarding Peter Thiel's comments on fracking: WI's St. Peter sandstone is 95% pure silicate, one of an infinite number of sands. With this update, minutes were accepted, motioned and approved.
4. Treasurer's report: 12/30/13 balance was $2,042.69. $.31 donated 1/09/14 brings total to $2,043.00. Report accepted, motioned and approved. Barb noted March is when the second half of Torch International dues is due.
5. Announcements included -Richard – received a call from Paul Douglas, Region 7 Chair, sharing that Lincoln, NE, Club will be hosting Torch's Regional Conference 4/19/14. The president-elect will speak, along with other speakers, discussions and training sessions. Two applications are pending for candidates joining our Club. Richard will keep everyone informed on their receipt for voting in possible new members.
Mary – Noon Hour Philosophers 1/15/14 meeting topic will be Appleton Public Library's Future. Mary invited Barb to present tonight's topic at a future Philosophers meeting. Colleen Rortvedt is scheduled to talk at an upcoming Philosophers next Wednesday, and David Woods in the near future.
Irene – Women's Alliance is sponsoring a panel with a variety of representatives to talk 1/15/14 at noon on Sex Trafficking in the Valley; to be held at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel.
Richard – encouraged all to visit the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass' current exhibit 'Glass Artists of the New North'. Exhibit runs through 2/16/14.
Next Torch convention will be 6/19-22/14 in St. Catherines (Niagara), Ontario, Canada. "200 Years of Peace Between Friends" is program's theme. Registration forms will be available in March.
Business segment adjourned at 6:50m for dinner.
6. Barbara presented Future Libraries, recapping former methods, processes and softwares that have led to next generation technologies used today. The internet has enhanced the library experience, the space being a community gathering place. R. David Lankes' book Expect More describes public libraries in seven key factors-
1) Collective buying agent
2) Economic stimulus (libraries boost economy in areas adjacent to it)
3) Center of learning
4) Social safety net (closing the gap for those without technology)
5) Steward of cultural heritage (access vs. preservation, history at our fingertips to move us into the future)
6) Cradle of democracy (helping to create informed and active citizens)
7) Symbol of community aspirations (portrays what our community chooses to live in)
Photos from a visit to the Elgin library was proof of what a vibrant and inviting community space could look like.
www.APL150.org shares where APL would like to be when celebrating 150 years in 2047. There are seven key strategies to support growth -
1) Hub for learning and literacy
2) Collaborative environment
3) Future: children and teens
4) Creation and innovation
5) Engaged and sustainable organization
6) Diversion and leisure
7) Specialized programs and services
APL150 Mission: learn, know, gather, grow = your center of community life
APL150 Vision: where potential is transformed into reality
Evening adjourned at 9pm.
Next meeting Thursday 2/13/14.