Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
20 January 2022
Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan
Attendees: Sue Bennett, Brian Bushaw, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Jean Jepson, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Bert Wiegand
Guests: Sofia Wilson and Lisa Campbell
Paul called the meeting to order at 5:58 PM.
Guests, Sophia Wilson, former member, in Las Vegas and Lisa Campbell, Peter's daughter, in Salt Lake City were introduced. All agreed that their weather is much more pleasant than ours right now.
December minutes were approved with no changes.
The treasurer's report from Barb was accepted.
Balance in account as of 12/10/2021 was $2763.65.
Payments: Touchmark for meals - $153.00.
Receipts: Dues payments - $140.00, Meal payments - $159.00.
Balance as of 1/15/2022 is $2909.65.
If you haven't paid your dues, please send a check to Barb as soon as possible or let her know that you will not be renewing.
Barb noted that the Torch Club email address that we previously voted to not renew due to limited usage has now expired. She will be redoing our website to remove it and put her or Paul's email on the site instead. Paul suggested his cell phone number be added for people who may want to text.
Bill said we still have openings for speakers in February and April. Please let him know if you would like to present then otherwise he will come up with roundtable discussion topics for those months.
Although Touchmark is open to having us back, the February and probably March meetings will continue to be virtual, Members felt that COVID numbers are too high for in person meetings.
Barb worked with the Paper Discovery Center (https://www.paperdiscoverycenter.org/). To select several books for the club to donate in memory of Al Button a longtime former member of our club who passed away last year. Although the books only come to about $65 she suggested we donate the entire $75 to the center in Al's name. Her motion carried. Peter suggested we consider raising our donation amount in the future.
The Torch Club memorial book donation in Richard Schoenbohm's name was discussed. Sue said Richard was very interested in environmental topics, was involved in the Fox River Environmental Alliance, and used the Appleton Library. Barb and Bill will get together with Sue to discuss memorial book possibilities over a glass of wine. Brian will verify.
Paul announced that the Fox Crossing 2022 Calendar contains one of Kris's photos. See http://www.foxcrossingwi.gov/wp-content/uploads/Departments/ParkRec/Rec/Bridge_2022.pdf.
Barb announced that Reed Taylor, Peter's brother-in-law and Torch Club officer, sent a picture of Peter on his 91st birthday.
The business meeting ended at 6:24 PM.
Bill then lead a roundtable discussion of members answering the question: What misconception about the world did you have as a child that later turned out to be wrong?
Meeting adjourned at 7:04 PM.