Submitted by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, Peter Thiel, Dwight Easty, Jan Smith, David Woods, Al Button, Barb Kelly, Bob Swain, Richard Schoenbohm, Bill Kelly, Amy Oberg. (Post business meeting arrivals: Leota, Janet).
Guests: Paul Kuenn, Jude Kuenn.
1. Minutes from last meeting: Approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Financial status
Balance forward $5269.09
- Receipts 0
- ($33.90) Guest dinners (Bill)
- ($247.80) Valley Sign Works (Len’s plaque)
- ($5.00) Plaque/rock polishing (Peter)
- ($525.00) Int’l (2nd half year dues)
Current balance $4457.39
c) Motion to approve Treasurer’s report: Accepted
3. Membership Listing: IATC needs updated version. If you did not make your corrections/additions at the meeting, contact Barb to do so.
4. New Torch Clubs: Club in Kearney Nebraska got its charter. Bill sent congratulations.
5. National Convention: Proposal introduced for club to cover the balance of the convention registration fee --balance due after $250/club credit is applied from International-- for each delegate. Club expense would likely be $450 to cover. Proposal moved, seconded and approved.
Al confirmed he would be attending. Motion made, seconded and approved for Al to be our primary delegate.
6. Magical Mystery Tour: Need to narrow down time for tour. May suggested as best month; one Sat during May best. Members are to let Amy know what conflicts they have in May. After that information has been received, the date in May will be determined.
Bolshevik Love: Behind Lenin’s Icon. Presented by Richard Schoenbohm.