TORCH MEETING MINUTES for March 14, 2013
Notes taken by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Webb Shaw, Mary Poulson, Peter Thiel, Jim Baumbach, , Jan Smith, Jude Kuen, Marcia Debbink, Barb Kelly, Janet Wuller-Faiss Cloak, Dwight Easty, Bob Swain, Amy Oberg, Bill Kelly, David Debbink.
Guests: Alice Baumbach.
- Meeting called to order at 6:30
- Welcome to Guests and New Member Webb Shaw.
- Minutes from the last meeting: motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report from Barb: motioned and approved.
- Note: balance of annual club dues will be sent to IATC shortly.
- Atlas Offering: Barb indicated that Atlas will be offering a special dinner of Surf N Turf for Torch’s May meeting as a celebration of our partnership with them. The cost will be about price of a regular dinner. Be sure to be conscientious about getting your RSVPs in for this meeting so Atlas has the right count for dinner.
- Another Magical Mystery Tour?: Amy asked if that was something we should/could consider again this year and offered to head up the effort if there is interest. “Tour” could be a trip to the Nobel Prize Winners’ speaker series in MN or other activity. Action: Whether or not to do a “tour” and options will be put on April meeting agenda for further discussion.
- IATC Conference for 2013: Will be in NC this year, June 27-30. Al indicated he will be going and would be willing to be a delegate. We are still looking for an additional delegate. Those interested can contact Bill.
- Gold & Silver Award Nominations: Peter moved to nominate Al Button for a Silver Award. Barb Kelly seconded. Motion passed. Action: Bill to get nomination papers to Peter.
- Officer Elections: Slate of candidates put together by nominating committee of Scott, Dave and Amy includes Richard for President, Bob as VP, Jude as Sec, Barb as Treasurer. As there were no other nominations from the floor, the slate was unanimously approved as presented. Those elected will take office in May.
- Departing Member: Leota will be moving and leaving the club in May. Motion by Marcia to pay for Leota’s May meeting dinner and wine as a tribute; approved.
- Business meeting adjourned.
PROGRAM: Life and Death of the German Luftwaffe by Jim Baumbach.