Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
15 March 2018
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Notes taken by: Sofia Wilson, Secretary
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Paul Frieberg, Walt Hedges, Jean Jepson, Barbara Kelly, William Kelly, Jude Kuenn, Cam Maurice, Mary Poulson, Katie Shaw, Robert Swain, Helen Thiel, Peter L. Thiel, Donna Weis and Sofia Wilson
Meeting called to order at 6:35pm.
- Welcomed Scott. We’re all very happy that he could join us tonight.
- Meeting minutes from 2/8/18 were accepted; motioned, seconded and approved.
- Treasurer’s report: 3/15/18 balance is at $2,787.49. IATC Membership List passed around for review. Report was accepted, motioned, seconded and approved.
Old Business:
- Webb Shaw donation - Barbara and Katie are working on the choice of the books.
- I ATC Conference – This year it will be in San Antonio, TX on June 21-23rd. Brochures were distributed. Sofia, Barbara and Bill spoke about their good experiences from conferences in the past. Paul asked everyone to think about if they’d want to go or be our clubs delegate.
New Business:
- Talks for Next year – Walt passed around the signup sheet for next year’s talks.
- New IATC Management – Seems very organized and are very responsive. They are looking to setup a Facebook account.
- Officer’s Meeting – The officers met to review the club’s account and how to use the money. They felt that to maintain the buffer of $1,500-2,000 to cover the previously established potential and actual costs, there should be enough for a club event next summer. Paul also spoke about inviting people to the Torch meetings, and suggested everyone think about bringing one guest.
- Sofia Wilson leaving - will be stepping down as Secretary and is moving to Tampa, FL for a job opportunity. Secretary position will temporarily be filled by Jude for the April and May meetings. Paul asked everyone to think about themselves or a good candidate within the club to fill the position starting in the Fall. Walt suggested all the speakers prepare a synopsis of their talk for the Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.
A. Barbara K. – We are sad to hear the Sue’s father, Douglas E Bennett passed away on March 10th. Our thoughts are with Sue and her family.
B. Barbara K. – A joint meeting of the City Finance Committee and the Library Building and Grounds committee regarding the mixed use project including the Appleton Public Library is happening at the same time as this torch meeting, and Jean Hedges is a Ward Captain for Friends of APL. The proceedings will be recorded and available for everyone to see. The current proposal has received unanimous support from the city staff and library staff, who will be recommending it to the committees.
C. Mary P. – The next Noonhour philosopher’s topic will be “Camp to Belong”
Business segment adjourned at 7:05pm for dinner.
Rose Schuster Taylor was born in 1863 into a large immigrant family settled in Middleton, WI. From her home, Rose had a view of the University of Wisconsin and wished to attend the university. At the age of 17 she entered the university despite financial problems. Upon completion of one year she taught in a county school. However, with strong recommendations from Henry Taylor, country school superintendent and with her strong personal drive, she graduated with honors upon completing four years of schooling in three years. In 1913 she was recognized by the University by being awarded the Phi Beta Kappa scholastic achievement.
Following two years of teaching, she married Henry Taylor, now a practicing lawyer in Sioux City, IA. Here this young couple had four children and enjoyed the fast-growing town of Sioux City and all of the activities available. Their 15-year marriage was cut short due the death of Henry from typhoid fever. Rose home schooled her children and entered them in public school in 4th grade. She taught them the basic school material, plus German, and manners. All four children eventually attended the University of Wisconsin and other schools and became very successful in their occupations. Rose and all of her children served their country during the first world war with distinction.
Rose, in the course of her life, provided service to the needs of unwed mothers and their children, did volunteer work for the Red Cross, the YMCA, her church, several nature and historical groups and maintained an active interest in the university alumni. She maintained contact with many professors, presidents of the university and served on the Board of Regents. In 1927 she moved to Berkley, CA to be close to some of her children and to have more time for self-expression. She served as a volunteer in the library in Yosemite Park and investigated and published many papers on Yosemite, its Indians, pioneers, artist, and naturalists. Rose died in 1951 in Berkley, CA.
Next meeting will be April 12, where Bob Swain will present his paper "Freedom Religion".