Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
21 March 2024
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
ATTENDEES: Sue Bennett, Nancy Van Rooy Bodway, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, Jan Mirenda Smith, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Bert Wiegand.
Guests: Dale Lewellyn, Sofia Wilson via Zoom
BUSINESS MEETING: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:08, p.m.
Bill welcomed guests Sofia Wilson who joined us via ZOOM and prospective member Dale Lewellyn.
MINUTES: There were no corrections or additions to the minutes. A motion was made by Walt to accept the minutes, which was seconded by Bert. All were in favor and minutes were approved as published.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Barb reported a balance of $2,191.54 as of Feb. 8, 2024. Payment of $236.00 was made to Touchmark for meals. Receipts were $288.00 from members for meals, leaving a balance as of March 15, 2024 of $2,243.54. It was moved, seconded and all were in favor of accepting the treasurer’s report.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bert reviewed the current dates and presenters. He has the sign-up list for any members who would like to secure their presentation date tonight.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business
NEW BUSINESS: Dale Lewellyn has completed his application for membership, which Barb sent to current members to review. Dale was asked to step out of the room while a vote was taken to accept his membership. All were in favor of having Dale join our club. Dale returned and was welcomed as our newest member and shared with us a little about his life and career.
There was some discussion about possible by-law changes with regarding the secret vote for new members. Scott felt that we should be a welcoming group and that if someone was willing to be active, attend meetings and present papers, then they should automatically be accepted. Paul shared his experience in Toastmasters where they were contemplating the same issue.
Their conclusion was that if someone was not “voted in”, they could not be “voted out” if that became necessary. Barb brought up the possibility of remote voting. Bill stated that it is already in our bylaws that the membership committee can approve a new member and asked if we need a membership committee.
Jan and Scott volunteered to work on a proposal to change the by-laws and Bert volunteered to help.
Bill stated that we need to vote for a delegate for IATC Convention. No members other than Paul expressed that they will be going to convention, so Barb moved that we elect Paul as our delegate. The motion was seconded by Scott and all were in favor. Paul will be our delegate.
It was moved, seconded and to adjourn. All were in favor and business meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.
Dinner was enjoyed and followed by the evening’s presentation.
Presentation: The History of the English Language
Walt took us on a journey through the beginnings and development of the English language. The English language began around 500 AD and is today the most popular language in the world, being spoken by about two billion people. The mixture of the Angles, the Saxons and other Germanic tribes culminated in the creation of Old English. Modern English did not start until around 1450 AD after the influence of conquerors and religion. By the late 16 th and early 17 th centuries modern understandable English came into being and continues to evolve today.
The PPT from Walt's presentation can be found here. A handout he provided can be found here.