Meeting Minutes
M i n u t e s
14 May 2009
Atlas Coffee Mill and Café
Present: Dr. Alan F. Button, Marcia & David Debbink, Barbara & Bill Kelly,Mary Poulson, Jan Mirenda Smith & Scott Valitchka, Peter Thiel, Pat Warrick, Donna & Len Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak
PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40.
MINUTES were approved as written.
FINANCIAL REPORT remains the same: $1,434.54
CONVENTION FINANCIALS: Barb reported that there are 89 Regisrations but not all have paid = $36,330.00
Expenses = $2,405.76 which include refunds for 5 people as well as
costs for favors, postage, Wilmar chocolates, etc.
Barb reminded us that we’re “nearing the end” of Convention planning..
Details to settle:
Should all members of our club register? Gail Strickland advised that partial registration is allowed. $330 covers all meals, transportation, museums, etc.
(Not hotel rooms.)
Barb passed around a Partial Registration form for our perusal. She will e-mail the
form to each of us. She needs to know by June 1 who is entitled to complimentary meals.
If you think of something to add to the visitors’ packets, discuss your idea with Barb and if agreed to, obtain 110 copies on your own rather than expecting her to do it.
June 11 at 6:00 PM, Atlas Coffee Mill & Café will be a Working Meeting to finalize Convention plans.There will be dinner but not a “regular” meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 for dinner followed by Mary Poulson’s program, LORDS OF THE NORTH (an odyssey to Churchill, Manitoba, and surrounding areas--a paen to the polar bears and to all people and beasts who survive the rigor of the sub-Arctic)
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary