Torch Club of The Fox Valley Torch Logo

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Notes taken by: Amy Oberg
Attendees:   Jim Baumbach, Al Button, Bill Kelly, Donna Weiss, Dwight Easty, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak , Maria Debbink, Dave Debbink, Jan Smith, Amy Oberg, Peter Thiel, Bob Swain, Scott Valitchka, Richard Schoenbohm.

Guest:  Bernadine Dorn.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion passed.

3.   Treasurer’s report from Barb:  Approved.

Balance as of 4/5/2012








*4/25: Amy


Bus reserve for trip


*5/2: Fox Cities On Line


Domain name registration






Balance as of 5/3/2012




  1. Torch Convention: still time to register. Discounts are available until May 15; rooms will be held until May 21.
  2. The Magical Mystery Tour will be Saturday, May 12th.  Still room for one or two additional people. (Meet at the Atlas Coffee Mill a 8 am to board the bus.  Lunch and dinner will be on the road.  Expect to return to Atlas by about 8 pm). 
  3. Scott: we need ideas for the Sept meeting discussion.
  4. Summer gathering: likely at Bill and Barb’s.
  5. Speaking roster for next year: ideas and speakers ~

(Note: We are trying to avoid TBDs on the schedule!).
Bill: Ethics of Wilderness Rescue
Jan: Glass: Industry to Art
Amy: Women as Terrorists
Jim: The Rise and Fall of German Luftwaffe; or The Future of Memory
Donna: ?
Peter: Nature’s Most Important Gift to Mankind (water)
Richard: Politics of Water; or Rise and Fall of Honey Bees
Al: Healthcare
Dave: Tapping Unused HydroPower; or Why We Need to Build More Railroads
Marcia: Planned Community Development: Pros and Cons
Bob: John Birch; or Crisis in Public Lawyers
Janet: Writings of Diane Ackerman; or Natural History of the Senses
Dwight: Unconventional Wisdom; or Effects of Low Level Radiation
Scott: Ecology and Politics of Scarcity 
9. Business meeting adjourned. 

Dwight: Evidence Based Medicine: The Patient’s Perspective

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