Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
09 May 2013
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Notes taken by: Jude Kuenn, incoming secretary
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, Nancy Bodway, Al Button, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Dwight Easty, Leota Ester, Jean Jepson, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Jude Kuenn , Richard Schoenbohm, Webb Shaw, Jan Smith, Irene Strohbeen, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, David Woods
Guests: David Easty, Paul Freiberg, Howard Hardesty, Jeanne Nymoem, Helen Thiel
- Meeting called to order at 6:35pm
- Welcome new guests
- Minutes from 4/11/13 meeting accepted; motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report from Barb:
motioned and approved. - Menu pre-ordering for 5/09/13 meeting greatly helped Atlas plan for the evening. New Board to decide if sending menu with meeting agenda will continue for 2013-2014 year.
- Magical Mystery Tour update:
2012 tour expense was ~$2,000. Barb recommended not spending same amount this year to ensure the club’s financial health. To continue to treat guests to dinner is good membership development activity, considered an expense, along with $250 reimbursement for one of our members attending June’s IATC meeting. Of our $70 annual dues, $50 goes to IATC. That leaves $20 per member for these other expenses. In the past, prior to the convention profits, we have had to ask for a special assessment near the end of the year to cover expenses.
Richard asked what dollar amount should be maintained in our account. Barb thought $1,000 maximum would be prudent. Marcia suggested tour’s communal expenses and admission be handled by the club, with any food purchased at each member’s expense.
Motion made to allot $1,000 to 2013 tour, accepted; motioned and approved.
Amy Oberg is planning this year’s event. She welcomes volunteers to help her. - Summer Party update: Al and Christina Button have graciously offered to host the evening. As a potluck, everyone would bring a dish to pass. Hosts to supply beverages. Al to advise August date. Suggestion made to have it the second Thursday of the month. UPDATE: Al and Christina are hoping to sell their home and cannot host the party. This year's party will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2013 beginning at 4 PM at the Kelly's home.
- Moving around the room, helping Bob Swain with VP duties, Bill asked each member to mention one or two topics each might be willing to present next year. The sign-up sheet was at the table adjacent to nametags. Potential topics included:
Bee Keeping (jude)
Your Brain on Music (Irene)
Water: our Most Important Resource (Peter)
Compassion Fatigue for DAs, defenders, etc. (Bob)
History of the World in Six Songs, Six Glasses (Jean)
Significant Advances in Auto Technology or Consulting in an Inner City (David Debbink)
‘Homecoming’ an 11-minute trailer on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (David Woods)
Global Warming or Naturopathic Medicine (Dwight)
Absorption of CO2 in the Ocean, Healthcare (Al)
Poetry of Smell (Jim)
Intuition, Beer Making (Irene)
Business Industry of the NFL (Webb)
Glass in Music, Continuity of Creativity, Opera Through the Eyes of a Novice (Jan)
Where Libraries are Going in the Future (Leota)
Insects as Food (Richard)
Elder Issues and the Burden of Boomers on Our Children (Marcia)
Birding: Loss of Habitat (Paul)
Future of Libraries, Transition of ¾ acre into a Beautiful Garden (Barb)
Wilderness Rescue: Change in Procedure (Bill) - A hardy round of applause was given to Leota for her years of membership to the club, community and for being such an inspiration. She was a linchpin to the origins of our Torch chapter.
- Bill mentioned if anyone had upcoming events to share, to use his email to broadcast them, or to send event to Bill for a separate email to members.
- Business Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm.