Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
May 12, 2016
Atlas Coffee Mill & Cafe
The business meeting was called to order by Paul Frieberg with 16 members present and no guests. Peter Thiel moved and David Debbink seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the April 14th meeting. The motion was unanimously approved. Barb Kelly, treasurer, reported no change in the treasury. Bill Kelly moved and Webb Shaw seconded a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was unanimously approved.
A discussion about our delegate to the Torch National Convention in Columbus, Ohio, June 23-26, 2016 resulted in the decision that Bill Kelly will be our delegate and Barb Kelly will be the alternate. Donna Weis is unable to attend. $250 will be paid by the International Torch Society to our chapter for (after) Bill’s attendance/participation in the Convention.
The presentation schedule for 2016/2017 is now complete. Mary Flanagan will replace me (Karen Bachhuber) and present in March. IMPORTANT: Presenters, once you pick a topic, please let Paul know so your topic can be posted on our website.
The Kellys graciously offered their home for our August gathering. It will be held
Thursday, August 11, 2016. Those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass. The Kellys will provide soda, beer, wine, etc. Let Barb know what you plan to bring prior to the event, so she can balance the menu. All present seemed pleased with the plan.
No new business.
General conversation ensued about Paul Frieberg’s visit to Valley New School where he made a pechakucha presentation as a part of a fundraiser. Peter Thiel will be talking to 6-8th grade students at the Fox River Academy (adjacent to Pierce Park) about the history of the Earth, the formation of ravines and geology in conjunction with their ravine restoration project.
DINNER was enjoyed by all prior to Camille Maurice directing us in five “Word Play”activities. Everyone participated and shared. The evening was summed up in Katie Shaw’s Hiaku,
Cam supplies notebooks
Writing with friends is hard
Feelings on display
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Bachhuber