Torch Club of the Fox Valley
Minutes of the Meeting of May 13, 2021
Notes taken by Richard Schoenbohm, Secretary
Attending: Bill Kelly, Mary Flanagan, Barbara Kelly, Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, Brian Bushaw, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Terri Dougherty, Walt Hedges, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Smith, Kris Stahl, Robert Swain, and Scott Valitchka.
Guest: Sophia Wilson
Called to order by Vice President Bill Kelly at 6:09 pm.
The new officers were introduced: Pauli Freiberg, President; Bill Kelly, Vice President; Richard Schoenbohm, Secretary (for a one year term); and Barbara Kelly, Treasurer.
The prior meeting’s minutes were presented. Bob Swain moved, and David Debbink seconded to approve the minutes without change. Motion passed.
Barbara Kelly presented the Treasurer’s report. The club account had a current balance of $2857.38. The club has not yet been billed by Torch International (ITC) for this year’s dues. The club consensus was that Barb should call ITC to get it to invoice the club. Barb also reported that she has filed the annual IRS form 990 ePostcard for non-profits. Walt Hedges moved and David Debbink seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion passed.
The August club picnic will be hosted by Barb and Bill Kelly at their home on August 12th. The club agreed to share food during the event, with Barb to have the final decision on that. Barb and Bill will send out more information prior to the event.
It was agreed that the first fall meeting will be a round robin. If club members have any topic ideas, they should let Bill Kelly know. Bill will be sending out a request for papers for the rest of the coming year.
Bill Kelly announced openings at IATC for editor and assistant editor.
There was no new business or announcements.
Richard Schoenbohm moved and Barbara Kelly seconded to adjourn the business meeting.
Bill Kelly presented his paper: Rescue: An abbreviated history of survival and rescues from remote places.
In summary, survival depends on many things. 1. Your knowledge, skill, and planning; choice of companions and their skill and ability to work together; and luck. Bill presented examples. The following is a link to the full presentation:
In addition, the following are links to the video used and the books referenced during the presentation.
After club members shared their own experiences and readings on rescues, the meeting was informally adjourned.