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Meeting Minutes

November 8 , 2007

Jim Baumbach, Travis Christopher, Christine Cross, Scott Cross, David Debbink, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Polson, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Len Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak

PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order: MINUTES of 11 October were approved as corrected. TREASURER Peter Thiel reported a balance of $1,623.89. He will pay our dues to National.

Barb reported that there is no conflict with H O G S and our Convention. She asked that everyone give as much input as possible to the Subcommittee for the Convention: Len, Peter, Travis, Al. (By January!) “Lobby them” with ideas for speakers, proposals for tours, etc.

Richard Allen, Acting Director IATC Region 7, is requesting a dues increase for the newsletter, a new club building, grants, increased costs for publications. Barb will ask for clarification.

Barb asked that we brainstorm for Speakers for the Convention: Dan Taylor (LU), Jill Beck (LU), Pat Warrick (Science fiction; her book), John McFadden, Nick Maravolo (LU/ BioMed Ethics), Becky Weis (Scandinavian music), Dave Debbink (Charter schools), Ron and Carol Mason (LU/ on Indians), Paper Industry, Arnold Grauman (?), Waterways/the Locks (John Foster?), Richard Haviland (Author, SPLENDID GALLANTRY), Ellen Kort
The theme: Local History

Bill Kelly urged us to visit Pat Warrick (Room 229). We adjourned for dinner.

Mary Poulson followed with her program: IS TURKEY TURKISH ENOUGH? Stunning slides accompanied the program. Her Abstract follows:

IS TURKEY TURKISH ENOUGH? was the title of the November program. The program did not intend to answer that question, but attempted to put some light on the country, its history, its significant sites, its pasttimes and sports, its problems and challenges. The USA history is so scant that it behooves us occasionally to delve into the mysterious, fascinating, revealing histories of countries and civilizations that have been in existence for thousands of years and have experienced the joys and the devastations that come from the creative minds and the devious actions of people who have molded those histories.

In modern times, Ataturk, the father of the Turkey as we know it, by his determination and charisma, turned an illiterate, poorly developed Muslim country into a Western-like democracy with secular rather than sharia rule. The challenge today is for the secular and Islamic politics to reach some kind of accommodation in solving its internal problems with the Kurds and its external problems with other groups. This democracy needs nurturing, not needling. 

The program concluded with 3 statements: Sherrify (a toast), tessiker edirem (thankyou) and gule, gule (goodbye). 

Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary

Next meeting will be December 13, 2007. Peter Thiel will speak on the topic of "Andrew Wyeth, the Artist". Peter writes:

The field of art is one of many interests I have had for years going back to my childhood.  I have always endeavored to find time to dabble in some facet of art or in art appreciation.
I recognized in my late teens that a career in art was a very competitive field and to earn a living with my art skills might be very difficult. Hence, my education in engineering and related disciplines became my life’s work.
In and around work and family activities, I had the opportunity to take a few art classes to hone my skills, and found that of all the visual art media, watercolor was the medium I preferred.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to visit many art galleries in Europe and the United States for the enjoyment and appreciation of different artists and their styles.  Andrew Wyeth is but one artist of my interests, but one that has been an inspiration to me and has influenced some of my work.

©2011 Torch Club of the Fox Valley