TORCH MEETING MINUTES for November 10, 2011
Submitted by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Bill Kelly, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Al Button, Mary Paulson, Bob Swain, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Smith, Scott Valitchka, Dwight Easty, Barb Kelly, Jim Baumbach, Donna Weiss, Amy Oberg.
Guest: Marge Swain
1. Minutes from last meeting: Approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report
a) All members have paid dues.
b) Total # of members now: 21.
c) Survey by IATC regarding Not for Profit status rec’d by Barb
d) Financial status:
Balance forward |
$4595.79 |
As of 9/7/2011 |
Receipts |
$955.00 |
Dues |
Payments |
($35.00) |
Reimburse overpaid dues (Strohbeen) |
Current balance |
$5515.79 |
As of 11/9/2011 |
e) Motion to approve Treasurer’s report: Accepted
3. Memorial for Len Weis: Work still underway by Peter and Jan regarding a memorial for Len at the Weis Earth Sciences Center. A wooden plaque of approximately 9”x12”, engraved and with labradorite and quotes from Len’s writings would be about $110.00. Alternatively, a plexi-glass hanging of approximately 18”x20” with lettering and quotes from Len would be about $236-$350. One more pricing quote is pending. Comments: over $100 pricing would be out of tradition. But we should call out that this is a special case because Len was a founding member of the club and brought many of the current members in.
Motion: Approved the concept and expenditure for the Plexi-glass memorial.
4. Money in Treasury:
a. No update on work for Magical Mystery Tour. Amy needs to recruit team to work on this (Jan, Leota, Irene, Al – all potential team members identified earlier).
b. Mary and Janet are to check into other options such as donations and report back.
Seeking Truth, Presented by Barb Kelly