TORCH MEETING MINUTES for November 8, 2012
Notes taken by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Irene Strohbeen, Al Button, Jim Baumbach, Nancy Bodway, Jean Jepson, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, Bob Swain, Mary Poulson, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, Richard Schoenbohm, Jude Kuenn, David Woods, Jan Smith, Scott Valitchka, Amy Oberg
Guest: Larry Abitz (Richard’s guest)
- Meeting called to order at 6:30
- Welcome to Guest Larry Abitz
- Minutes from the last meeting. Motioned and approved.
4. Treasurer’s report from Barb: Motioned and approved.
Note: Those who still have dues outstanding, please be sure to pay them to Barb at the November meeting.
5. Region 7 reported to need a director. If anyone is interested, Bill and Amy have appropriate paperwork.
6. Announcement: Jan Smith’s article appears in the most recent Torch Magazine, Fall 2012, page 9: Can We Drive Innovation If Creativity Is In Crisis? Congratulations Jan!
7. Acknowledgement: of Richard’s campaign efforts.
8. Nobel Conference: Al spoke about the annual Nobel conference that is offered each October in MN. Discussion: this might be a good Torch Club trip. Al will send out more information and we will discuss further at future meeting.
6. Business meeting adjourned.
PROGRAM: Mary Poulson: American Exceptionalism