Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
11 November 2019
Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan
Attendees: Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, Brian Bushaw, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Jan Smith, Kris Stahl, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Donna Weis
Guest: Paulette James
Paul called the meeting called to order at 6:16 pm.
Paul introduced his guest, Paulette James.
Meeting minutes from 10/10/2019 were motioned, seconded, and approved.
Barb gave the treasurer’s report:
Payments to Touchmark for September dinners - $192
Receipts for dinner payments - $206.25
Dues received - $350.00
Balance in account - $2,802.74.
The treasurers report was motioned, seconded, and accepted.
Bill announced that we have a full schedule of speakers signed up.
The December meeting will be held at Touchmark again.
IATC is seeking candidate nominations for the 2020 elections for several regional directors and the vice president. Nominations must be submitted by 12/31/2019.
IATC has added a new position, Director at Large. This position is filled by Reed Taylor, the brother-in-law of Peter Theil. He will attend our meeting in February to discuss strategies for inviting new members.
Mary Paulson announced that the Noonhour Philosophers November 20 speaker will be Jeffrey Riester on the topic of investing. A complete list of all the Fall speakers can be found at http://www.felc.com/files/mhujet/PDFs%20Miscellaneous/2019%20PDFs/2019%20NHP%20Fall%20Schedule.pdf.
The business meeting adjourned at 6:24 pm.
At 7:20 Kris presented her paper on Special Educators.
Her presentation can be found here. A link to the article by the special educator she highlighted can be found here.
We adjourned at 8:22 pm.