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Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
18 November 2021
Touchmark on West Prospect

Notes taken by:  Paul Freiberg

Attendees: Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, Brian Bushaw, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Jan Smith, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis, Bert Wiegand.


  1. Call to order- The meeting came to order approximately 6 P.M.
  2. First order of business- approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
    1. A copy is posted on the club website
    2. There being not corrections the minutes are approved as read
  3. The treasurer’s report:
    1. Balance as of October 8th, 2021                     $1736.14
    2. Less: Payments                                               ($0)
    3. Add: Receipts (Dues)                                       $185.00
    4. Balance as of November 11th, 2021                $1921.14
    5. No questions, the report will be filed [for audit].
    6. Barb noted that dues should be paid by next club meeting
      1. $70 for club members
      2. $45 for a second family member
  4. Report of VP
    1. Paper schedule
      1. Marcia Debbink will present her paper in December- TBD
      2. Bill asked for signups for subsequent months.
  5. Unfinished business
    1. We discussed venues. Peter suggested the Butte des Morts Country Club; Paul will check on availability and costs.
    2. Touchmark is not available on our club normal meeting date, the second Thursday of the month. The club agree that Touchmark is a good location for December and we will meet on the third Thursday in December, December 16th at 6 P.M. Barb will check if Touchmark can accommodate us on that date.
  6. International News
    1. Paul announced that the Torch International convention is scheduled for June 2022 in Saratoga, NY. All club members are welcome to attend.
  7. There were no announcements
  8. The business meeting adjourned approximately 6:15 P.M.
  9. Paper presentation:  Barb Kelly presented her paper : The Long Drawn Out Process of Updating the Appleton Public Library Building. The group had discussion period after her presentation. The following link will take you to a report given to the Appleton City Council by SOM Architects on Aug. 17, 2021.

The next schedule club meeting will be December 16th, tentatively at Touchmark on Prospect.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul Freiberg
Club President

Fox Cities Online | Contact Us: 920 731-2610 Copyright: 2025 Torch Club of the Fox Valley