Torch Club of The Fox Valley Torch Logo

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Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
17  November 2022

Notes taken by:  Sue Bennett, Secretary

Attendees:  Paul Freiberg, Bill Kelly, Barb Kelly, Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, Walt Hedges, Jan Jan Smith,  Mary Poulson, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Scott Vaitchka, Donna Weis.
Guests:  Dawn, a friend of Donna Weis, joined us at Touchmark and Sofia Wilson attended via Zoom

BUSINESS MEETING was called to order by President Paul at 6:00 p.m.

Minutes of the October Meeting were approved. 
Treasurer’s report was approved as reported with a balance of $2,844.48.   Barb stated that she will be sending IATC their portion of the dues in January, so for those who haven’t paid yet, please do so no later than the December meeting.  Barb passed the club roster to members for any updates.

New Business  
Paul has suggested that the club buy a camera so that we can offer a better quality hybrid meeting.   It was also suggested that we get something that provided better sound too.  Scott mentioned a system that he is familiar with called JABRA.  Jan made a motion for the club to spend up to $200.00 for new camera and possibly sound equipment.  Motion was seconded by Scott.  Paul will research the options.
Barb reported that she has reserved the room at Touchmark for our meetings on the third Thursdays of January through May of 2023.
Paul and Sue represented our club as delegates at the IATC Fall Convention, via ZOOM, to vote on the new IATC bylaws.  The new bylaws were well received and ratified with all delegates in favor and one abstention. 
Members were encouraged to sign up to do papers, as there are still a few months still open.
Business meeting was adjourned at 6:16.

Presentation:  Kris Stahl presented an informative and insightful paper, Chordoma – Search for Cure.  Chordoma is a rare form of cancer affecting only 1 in 1 million people.  It is so rare that patients are often misdiagnosed, which has led to little research.   Thank you for sharing your story Kris.

Fox Cities Online | Contact Us: 920 731-2610 Copyright: 2025 Torch Club of the Fox Valley