Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
21 November 2024
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
ATTENDEESs: Sue Bennett via zoom, Nancy Van Rooy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Walt Hedges, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, Dale Lewellyn, Jan Mirenda Smith, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Bert Wiegand.
Guest: Karen Bachhuber
BUSINESS MEETING: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.
Bill asked if everyone was happy with the new meal arrangement and the consensus was yes.
MINUTES: There were no corrections or additions to the minutes. A motion was made by Bert to accept the minutes which were seconded by David. All were in favor and minutes were approved as published
TREASURER REPORT: Barb reported a balance of $2,197,53 as of 10/9/24. There were no receipts or disbursements, so the balance as of 11/15/24 remained $2,197.53. It was moved by Dale and seconded by Walt to accept the Treasurer’s report. All were in favor and the report was approved.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bert reported that he had presenters, Walt March 2024, Bert April 2024 and David Oct 25, 2025. There are still many open slots.
OLD BUSINESS: Barb reported that she is still working on the book donations in memory of Mary Poulson. She has had more conversations with Jill and Gretchen at the Lawrence University Library. She is currently waiting for their list of preferred books.
NEW BUSINESS: It was asked if there was any movement in the area of new members. Peter said he believed that Jon Palmquist was interested in joining and that he would be seeing him on Friday and will inquire. Bill reminded members that dues are due by the December meeting and Barb stated that she has received all the members’ dues.
After the October meeting Barb got an email from Touchmark saying that the meal arrangement was not working out for them and had several other options. The options were to meet and not eat, bring in our own food or they could have a buffet for us. The majority of members expressed a desire for the buffet for the price of $25.00 per member and payment could still be made at reception with cash, check or credit card, except for Touchmark residents. The meal will be served at 6:00, so the business meeting will now follow dinner.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bill announced that Laurel Schoenbohm, daughter of our deceased member, Richard Schoenbohm, has authored a novel called “Entwined” and will be doing a book signing on Monday, December30th at The Book Store in Appleton. All were encouraged to check it out.
It was moved by Sue and seconded by Peter to adjourn the business meeting. All were in favor and the business meeting was adjourned
At 6 35 p.m.