M i n u t e s
14 October 2010
Atlas Coffee Mill and Café
Al Button, David Debbink, Leota Ester, Barbara & Bill Kelly, Amy Oberg, Mary Poulson, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Leonard & Donna Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak
PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
MINUTES were approved as written.
The treasury shows $4,466.69. The report was followed by a discussion (in answer to a question) ofwhy we pay dues. Some feel that dues are what help to hold organizations together (like the Boy Scouts). Others do not. Peter offered an explanation for our current dues:
Our annual member dues are $70, with $50 going to Torch International. The remaining $20 is used for our local Torch Club expenditures. These expenditures are as follows: website fees, guest dinners, name tags, Torch pins, memorial gifts, and postage. In addition, we receive $250 annually, if we have a delegate in attendance at the annual convention. It has been decided in the past, that the $250 would go into the club treasury for general use.
The $50 dues, paid to Torch International, cover administration and management staff salaries, promotional materials, The Torch publication (3 times per year), administration convention costs, and membership services. Annual budget is approximately $120,000. Income, less expenses is near zero.
More disussion ensued and was followed by the question of why we have to belong to International. Some members find it absolutely vital and necessary while others do not. The necessity for, importance of, and need to attend conventions opened another lively exchange. Some members thrive on them while others do not. The suggestion was made that we offer scholarhips to attend conventions.
Barb expressed appreciation for our ideas and lively discussion before she presented a short Powerpoint program to acquaint us with our website through Fox Cities Online. This was followed by the announcement that Irene Strohbeen will be unable to join us after all but she is willing to give her scheduled November talk. Mary will ask Fred Kile to speak in November. Barb asked that members get their replies to Janet by Wednesday morning.
We adjourned at 7:10 for dinner. Amy Oberg’s program,The Human Body V 2.0 , followed.