Torch Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2011
Submitted by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Bill Kelly, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak , David Woods, Al Button, Nancy Bodway, Peter Thiel, Mary Paulson, Pat Warrick, Marcia Debbink, Dave Debbink, Bob Swain, Richard Schoenbohm, Amy Oberg.BUSINESS MEETING
1. Minutes from last meeting: Approved with correction. Correction: Re: Len Weiss Memorial – work is being done by Peter Thiel and Jan Smith. Jan’s name was inadvertently omitted from last week’s notes.
2. Treasurer’s Report for October 2011
Balance forward |
$4473.26 |
Receipts |
$150.00 |
Dues |
Payments |
($16.75) |
Dinner for Dwight Easty, guest |
($10.72) |
Mailing expense for by-laws revision proposal |
Current balance |
$4595.79 |
As of 10/8/2011 |
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report: Accepted
3. By-laws Review/Updating: Work on revisions/updates completed by Richard and Barb. All members received draft of changes at least one week in advance of Oct meeting. Motion to approve proposed changes: Accepted.
4. Memorial for Len Weiss: Work still underway by Peter and Jan to determine what the memorial could be and how much it would cost. They should have that information to report at the next meeting.
8. Dues: Annual dues collected this meeting. ($70 for continuing members; $80 for new members). For those who missed the meeting and/or did not pay this month, please either mail a check to Barb or pay at the Nov meeting (at the latest).
9. Money in Treasury: Continuing discussion on what to do with balance in treasury. Ideas for spending include (but are not limited to): donate, have a party, do a scholarship, do a “mystery tour” (Mystery tour defined: team of 3 would put together an event/outing/tour that would be kept a “mystery” from the club members until the event/outing/tour is underway).
Mystery Tour approved with stipulation that total costs do not exceed more than $2000.00. Target time frame: next spring. Amy will lead team. Other suggested team members include Jan, Leota, Irene and Al. Amy will follow up with these people to see who can participate on the team.
All Things Books, An Odyssey: The Journey from Bibliophile to Publisher.