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Torch Meeting Minutes for October 11, 2012

Notes taken by:  Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak
Attendees:   Bill Kelly, Barb Kelly, Jim Baumbach, Bob Swain, Marcia Debbink, David Debbink,  Dwight Easty, Peter Thiel, Mary Poulson, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Jean Jepson
1.       Meeting called to order at 6:35
2.       Welcome to New Member:  Jean Jepson
3.       Approval of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion passed.
4.  Treasurer’s report from Barb:  Accepted.
Balance as of 10/8/2012
Note: If you still owe dues for the coming year, please be sure to pay them to Barb at the November meeting.
6. Business meeting adjourned. 

 PROGRAM:  Marcia Debbink
"A Tale of Two Cities:  An Overview of the Boulder Colorado Growth Plan and Implications for Fox Valley Communities".  
One of the first and most widely-emulated community growth management plans in the country unfolded in Boulder, Colorado during the time I was in residence there!  I have had a great journey revisiting the evolution of the policies and local issues; I hope to highlight relevance to the future of our Fox Cities Communities.
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