Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
10 October 2013
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Notes taken by: Jude Kuenn, secretary
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, , Nancy Bodway, Al Button, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Dwight Easty, Paul Freiburg, Jean Jepson, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Jude Kuenn , Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Irene Strohbeen, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Donna Weis
Guest: Cynthy Anderson
- Meeting called to order at 6:33pm
- Welcome new guest
- Minutes from 9/12/13 meeting had three corrections (Noon Hour Philosophers, Nobel (remove TED) Conference held in St. Peter, MN), were accepted with changes; motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report: 9/25/13 balance $1,058. Report accepted, motioned and approved. By evening’s end, 16 members paid their dues. Barb recently received Torch invoice, requesting partial payment toward 2013-14 club membership.
- Several announcements were shared -
Mary – 10/13/13 Fox Cities Crop Walk serves the World addressing hunger. 15% of $30m raised in the Fox Cities stays in our area assisting the community. Any donations would be appreciated.
Irene – 10/12/13 noon-4:30pm workshop at APL titled “Get Money Out” affecting campaign funds. Talk sponsored by the Organization for Action. Also at APL on 10/17/13 is a talk on Human Trafficking in Wisconsin.
Al – attended Nobel conference in St. Peter, MN, with Mary. Event included three Nobel Laureate speakers. It was an outstanding community opportunity, with multigenerational representation, exposing the audience to the very best minds on the Universe and Atomic Physics. Appleton Public Schools sponsored a bus with local students attending the conference. Barb mentioned two of the high school students spoke at her recent Rotary Club meeting and impressed the Club with the content.
Barb – UW-Fox Valley E.A.T.S. event 10/19/13. Evening includes food from 44 great chefs and a silent auction. See Barb for admission and/or raffle tickets. Evening supports $50m of scholarships provided to college students.
Business segment of meeting adjourned at 6:49pm for dinner. - Intuition: evening’s topic was an exploration with Irene as guide and interactive.
Four steps can be linked to intuition:
1. unconsciously incompetent – to what we are trying to learn,
2. conscious to incompetence – training and practice lead to
3. consciously competent, to
4. unconsciously competent – true mastery.
Women tend to use their intuition more because it’s acceptable to be in touch with their feelings.
The expert doesn’t know what he knows.
Experts’ intuition only rests within their field.
Instinct vs. Intuition -
instinct – genetic, reactive process to stimuli
intuition – can be acquired through learning to become more sensitive and receptive to non-verbal signals, having more empathy to situation, listening to ‘vibes’, etc.
Myers-Briggs type indicators – four aspects where we draw energy from -
a. introvert vs. extrovert (energy within vs. without)
b. Intuitive vs. sensory (big piece concepts vs. bringing in data in smaller bits)
c. feeling vs. thinking (emotional vs. rational)
d. perceiving vs. judging (open thinking vs. jumping to a conclusion)
Practice living intuitively -
be in touch with body messages,
trust the pull of your interest,
be mindful by being in the moment,
tune- in all available information,
appreciate. - Evening adjourned at 9pm.
Next meeting Thursday 11/14/13.