Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
10 October 2019
Notes taken by: Mary Flanagan
Attendees: Karen Bachhuber, Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, Brian Bushaw, Terri Daugherty, Dave Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Walt Hedges, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Kris Stahl, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Donna Weis
Guest: Ken Cooper
Bill called the meeting called to order at 6:18 pm.
Walt introduced his guest, Ken Cooper.
Meeting minutes from 9/12/2019 were approved.
Barb gave the treasurer’s report:
Payments to Touchmark for September dinners - $132
Receipts for dinner payments - $132
Domain name registration - $21.17
Balance left in account - $2,438.49.
Barb asked that members pay their dues in November or December. They are due to IATC in January. Single membership is $70. Second person in household is $45.
Barb passed around a brochure for the Torch Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible, but dues are not.
Bill noted that the International Association of Torch Clubs’ 2020 convention will be held in Boone and Blowing Rock, North Carolina on June 18-21, 2020. Bill highly recommends attending the convention. Several members expressed interest. Information on the convention can be found here: http://torch20.org/.
Mary Paulson announced that the Noonhour Philosophers October 23 speaker will be former Wisconsin Governor, Martin J. Schreiber. He will give a talk on, “Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver.” A complete list of all the Fall speakers can be found at http://www.felc.com/files/mhujet/PDFs%20Miscellaneous/2019%20PDFs/2019%20NHP%20Fall%20Schedule.pdf.
Barb announced that Wisconsin Green Fire will be holding a Friend Raiser on October 16 at Waverly Beach from 5 to 7 pm. More information on Wisconsin Green Fire can be found here: https://wigreenfire.org/
Barb announced that Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner will speak at the League of Women Voters Holiday Brunch Dec. 14th at the PAC, Michelle Duster will speakon Saturday March 7, 2020, and Rachel O’Leary Carmona will be the keynote speaker for the League of Women Voters’ Women's Equality Day on August 26th, 2020. All three are in collaboration with several other women's groups in the area as part of the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Ammendment.
The business meeting adjourned at 6:32 pm.
At 7:21 Barb gave a presentation on the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage.
Her presentation can be found here.
We adjourned at 8:30 pm.