Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
14 October 2021
Meade Street Bistro
Notes taken by: Richard Schoenbohm, Secretary
Attending: Bill and Barbra Kelly, Mary Flanagan, Richard Schoenbohm and Sue Bennett, David and Marcia Debbink, Scott Valitchka and Jan Smith, Walt Hedges, Donna Weis, Nancy Bodway, and Kris Stahl.
Guest: Roy Valitchka, Scott’s dad.
Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Bill at 6:12 pm.
The prior meeting’s minutes were presented. There were no additions or corrections. The minutes were approved.
Barbara presented the Treasurer’s report. The balance in the club’s account as of the September meeting was $1,757.31. Barb paid $21.17 to renew the domain name. There were no other expenses, and there was no new income, leaving an account balance of $1,736.14.
Barb asked for a discussion as to whether our members should pay into to Barb the club and national dues now. It was agreed that we should pay now, and both club and national portions of the dues. The first member in a household will pay $70.00 and a second member of a household will pay $45.00. Barb will email members requesting payment.
Following this discussion, Richard moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. David seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Under new business, Bill reminded members to sign up for papers. Barb reported that Touchmark would welcome our club back. We must be masked in all public areas, but not the meeting room. Touchmark staff will be masked and will all be vaccinated by November 17th. We can still bring our own wine and there is now a bar in the lobby. It was agreed to hold our November meeting a Touchmark, for a number of reasons, including that the available seating in the Bistro could not accommodate all our members.
We then discussed the domain name. It has included an email account for the club for free, but they will now start billing for that service. It was agreed that we should not continue the email account feature.
Jan moved to adjourn the business meeting. Sue seconded. The motion passed unanimously at 6:28 p pm, and the meeting proceeded with dinner and the paper presentation by Scott.
Scott presented: Fredrik Turville Thwaites, Respected Wisconsin Geologist. As an undergraduate, Scott was reading an early paper on Wisconsin glacial geography. Scott realized, from a photo in the paper taken in the early 1900s, that the author was describing features on land that Scott’s family owned. That led Scott to dig in to the life history of the paper’s author, Fredrik Turville Thwaites. He was an interesting and remarkable man and geologist. He did much of Wisconsin’s early survey work on glacial geography, and he took stunning photographs of the features he surveyed and his life when out doing the work.
Scott shared Thwaites’ life and photographs with the club. More information about the talk can be found here.
Following questions and answers, Richard asked for a moment to speak. He shared news that his cancer was no longer under control, and would overtake his life in the near future. He thanked the club for being true friends and a bright spot in his life. There were heartfelt responses.
Richard then moved to adjourn. Marcia seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously at 8:08 p.m.
Secretary Richard Schoenbohm