Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
20 October 2022
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
Attendees: Paul Freiberg, Bill Kelly, Barb Kelly, Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Walt Hedges, Mary Poulson, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel.
Zoom attendees: Jan Mirenda Smith, Scot Valitchka and guest Nancy Viegut
BUSINESS MEETING was called to order by President Paul at 6:05 p.m.
Minutes of the May Meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report was approved as reported. Barb reminded members that it is time to pay dues for 2023.
There was discussion with regard to the service at Torchmark. Tonight they had no audiovisual equipment available as they have in the past and food service was somewhat disorganized Several members who reside at Torchmark commented that there has been a change in staff. It was suggested that Barb make contact with Torchmark before the meeting to let them know what we will need. Barb asked if she should reserve Touch mark for January through May of 2023. All agree and Barb will make those arrangements.
Paul noted that Kris is scheduled to give a paper at the November meeting and encouraged members to sign up to do papers in the coming months
Paul reminded us that we will be nominating new officers in March and to consider being on the nominating committee.
IATC is having a membership campaign and Paul asked everyone to think about bringing in new members to our club.
Paul also informed us that IATC is making changes to its by-laws and we will need two delegates to vote on them. There will be a virtual meeting on October 27th to preview the new by-laws that will then be voted on at a virtual meeting during the Fall Convention on November 13, 2022.
Mary Poulson asked for a round of applause in appreciation for our club officers.
Bill moved and David seconded to adjourn.
Business meeting was adjourned at 6:20.
Presentation: Sue presented her paper entitled, “You Have A Lot of Nerve” about the vagus nerve and how its function affects many aspects of our health.