Meeting Minutes
17 October 2024
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
ATTENDEES: Sue Bennett via zoom, Nancy Van Rooy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Lindsay Kaminski, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, Dale Lewellyn, Kris Stahl via zoom, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Bert Wiegand.
Guests: Sofia Wilson via zoom, John Palmquist, Barb Perloff, Karen Bachhuber
BUSINESS MEETING: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:03, p.m.
Bill introduced guests: Sofia Wilson, who joined us via zoom from Las Vegas; John Palmquist who joined us for the second time as Peter’s guest; Barb Perloff, a guest of Dale’s, who also is a fellow resident at Touchmark; and Karen Bachhuber, who was a former member of our club who had moved to Cincinnati and has recently returned to Appleton.
MINUTES: There were no corrections or additions to the minutes. A motion was made by Bert to accept the minutes, which was seconded by David. All were in favor and the minutes were approved as published.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Barb reported a balance of $ 2,220.70 as of 9/9/24/24. There were no receipts and disbursements were $ 23.17 for website domain name renewal, leaving a balance of $ 2,917.53 as of 10/9/24. It was moved by Dale and seconded by David to accept the Treasurer’s report. All were in favor and treasurer’s report was approved.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bert reported that Lindsay Kaminski will be doing her presentation tonight on The History of Wine; Sue will be doing the November presentation on The Medicinal Use of Psychedelics; and Scott will present The History of Logging in NE Wisconsin. The months of January – May, 2025 remain unfilled. Bert will once again have the sign-up sheet on the table so you can sign up on your way out. Bill suggested that Bert not let them leave until they have signed up. Ha-ha Bill!
OLD BUSINESS: Barb explained what we do in honor of members who have passed away. She is working on the book donations in honor of Mary Poulson. Mary was a former athletic instructor at Lawrence University, so Barb has contacted the Lawrence University Library about a donation. She was given the names of several people and has contacted them by e-mail today. They will advise her on what books would be appropriate.
NEW BUSINESS: Bill asked if everyone had gotten their copy of the new Torch Magazine and pointed out the there was a familiar name on the cover. The paper featured on the cover was that of our very own Kris Stahl. Congratulations Kris! This was Kris’s third paper to be published.
Bill also offered that we should support Paul to submit his paper from last month on autonomous vehicles for publication. Everyone felt that was a great idea.
Barb reminded everyone that it’s that time again and yearly dues should be paid to her at the November meeting. Dues are $85.00 for a single and $140.00 ($85.00 plus $55.00) for a couple.
It was moved by Walt and seconded by Scott to adjourn the business meeting. All were in favor and business meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Dinner and conversation was enjoyed and followed by the evening’s presentation.
Presentation: The History of Wine, by Lindsay Kaminski
Lindsay gave a great presentation on how since the times of ancient civilization wine has been a part of the human experience.
Her talk was followed by a lively q&a and samples were enjoyed as well.