M i n u t e s 10 September 2009
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Present: Jim Baumbach,Dr. Alan F. Button, Marcia & David Debbink, Barbara & Bill Kelly, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Len Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak
PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40.
MINUTES were approved as written.
TREASURER'S REPORT was accepted. (See attached) Barb informed us that International is "very happy" with us. The question for us now is what to do with our surplus funds. A "blow-out party" was mentioned again. Peter reminded us of an earlier idea that we use the money for one year to support first time meals for potential new members. Reminder: We dont pay a rental fee at Atlas. If, for some reason we were no longer able to meet there, we'd probably have rental expense to deal with again.
Mary suggested (by e-mail) a charitable contribution. Barb reminded us that TORCH is not a service organization. Janet said that Town & Gown BooK Club is not a service group either but we give money for books to various orgainzations like the Public Library and the Literacy Coalition. Bill would like to have another road trip. We decided to try paying for the first visit of a guest. We'll revisit the plan in a year.
Barb worked out compensation to all the places we visited during the Convention. (Bergstrom-Mahler sent us a thank you.) She also filed the 990 postcard to the IRS.
Peter suggested an award for a paper that's published, referring to that of Christine Cross which will be published in Fall.
In November dues are due: $70. Please pay in October. Peter will be gone in November. In Spring we'll revisit the idea of a celebratory event. (Peter moved, Len seconded) Bill said that Richard Allen wants to know what's on our agenda.
Adjourned at 7:25 for dinner followed by a program of revelatory Open Topics.
Respectfully submitted, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary