TORCH MEETING MINUTES for September 8, 2011
Submitted by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Scott, Al, Richard, Jan, Barb, Donna, Marcia, Dave, Janet, Irene, Jim, Mary, Bill, Amy. Guest: Dwight Easty.
1. Minutes from last meeting: Approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Balance forward $4509.76
Deposits +$250.00 IATC refund for Int’l conference attendance
Payments -$11.50 To Bill Kelly, reimbursement for regional director’s dinner
-$25.00 Web hosting
-$250.00 For Al for Int’l conference attendance
Current balance $4473.26
Motion to Approve: Accepted
3. By-laws Review/Updating: Work is being done by Richard and Barb. A few changes are in process. All members will receive draft of changes seven days before next meeting. We will discuss and put forth motion for approval at next meeting.
4. Memorial for Len Weis: Peter has copy of Len’s field notes and thoughts and history of Len from journal. Memorial ideas: 1. Engraved stone with Len’s thoughts, an expensive option; 2. Plaque of walnut with metal plate, cost of about $100. Either would be put on display at Weiss Museum. Peter and Jan will continue work on this. At this point, no book for the library will be given.
5. Membership: No volunteers for taking on Membership Chair position; duties will be assumed by officers. However, each member is urged to bring at least one guest during this year. Club goal is to grow membership by 4-5 people this year.
6. Paper Publishing (in The Torch publication): Publication is in need of submissions. Goal is for 1-2 papers from our club to be published per year. Discussion on publishing Len Weiss’s last paper. Donna will check and see if she can find documents. Request for club members to help each other in getting papers ready for publishing.
7. International Convention: Report by Al, club representative to this year’s convention. Very impressed with high quality of conference (as usual). Business meeting covered: lack of papers for The Torch publication (backlog diminishing); need to build member numbers (currently declining); opportunities to build new clubs. Next year’s convention: literature is available, will be in Norfolk, VA. Our club will get two $250 credits for two attendees.
8. Dues: Annual dues are to be paid by/at next meeting. Dues are $70 for continuing members; $80 for new members.
9. Money in Treasury: What to do with money in treasury? Creative minds are working on it; will pull together a plan and present to group. Q: Are we doing anything of a charitable nature? Response: Time to discuss this option this will be on next meeting’s agenda.
10. Member Announcements: 1. Bob’s band will be playing at Outer Edge next Fri - Bob has tickets; 2. Bergstrom Mahler Corning Glass demonstration will be Oct 6-9; 3. Paper Industry Hall of Fame induction will be on Oct 6 at the Radisson.
Topic: Talk for 3 minutes on an individual who influenced your life/thoughts.
- Scott: James Madison
- Mary: William Sloane Coffin
- Bill: Hypatia of Alexandria
- Amy: Leonardo DaVinci
- Jim: Dave and Andy Ogilvie
- Janet: Rachel Carson
- Dave: John Taylor Gatto
- Marcia: donated time to others
- Donna: Eleanor Roosevelt
- Irene: Rosa Parks
- Barb: Camus
- Jan: Susan B Anthony
- Peter: Andrew Wyeth
- Richard: Gandhi
- Al: John Adams
- Dwight: Galileo