TORCH MEETING MINUTES for September 13, 2012
Notes taken by: Amy Oberg, Secretary
Attendees: Al Button, Bill Kelly, Barb Kelly, Dwight Esty, Jan Smith, Nancy Bodway, Amy Oberg, Peter Thiel, Bob Swain, Scott Valitchka, Richard Schoenbohm, Mary Paulson. New members: Jean Jepson, Jude Kuenn.
Guests: Helen Thiel.
- Call to order + welcome to new members Jean and Jude.
- Approval of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion passed.
3. Treasurer’s report from Barb: Approved.
Balance as of Aug 2012 | $2697.51 |
Comments from Barb:
*Expense from Magical Mystery Tour came in under $2000.00 budget including $300 donation to Wood Type Museum in Two Rivers.
*$250.00 was rec’d from IATC for reimbursement for Al’s attendance at the annual conference. We agreed to pay registration costs of up to $330 for the delegate and alternate (if there was one). This amount is due now to Al.
*Dues to IATC are due in October, so individual membership dues need to be paid to Barb at October meeting.
*Members need to check website regarding their information. Any changes are due to Barb. Barb will get in touch with those not at tonight’s meeting to be sure their info is up to date.
4. IATC wants photos of our meetings for their website. Bill will contact Jim Baumbach who might have photos.
5. Conference update, Al:
*There were adjustments to the IATC by-laws re: incapacitation of President. These were passed around for review.
*The IATC budget was also passed around for review. Al commented that financially, IATC is in good shape. Budget passed around to our members for review.
* Membership numbers are falling by about 7% YOY. IATC is urging all clubs to assist in starting new clubs. Al passed chart showing numbers around for review. IATC has developed a brochure/marketing material for help in starting new clubs. Al passed a draft of this brochure was passed around for review.
* Next year’s conference will be in Columbia, SC.
* Al commented that the conference was excellent as usual. He is planning to attend next year as well.
*Note: Amy has IATC budget, membership info, and draft marketing material available for review for those absent tonight.
6. Business meeting adjourned.
Program: All members: memories of our most favorite/memorable trip.