Meeting Minutes
Torch Club of the Fox Valley
10 September 2015
Atlas Coffee Mill & Café
Notes taken by: Jude Kuenn, secretary
Attendees: Jim Baumbach, Nancy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiburg, Walt Hedges, Jean Jepson, Barbara Kelly, Bill Kelly, Jude Kuenn, Cam Maurice, Amy Oberg, Richard Schoenbohm, Katie Shaw, Webb Shaw, Jan Smith, Bob Swain, Marge Swain, Helen Thiel, Peter Thiel
Guests: Karen Bachhuber, Jean Hedges, John Maurice, June Stueck, Peter Stueck, Barri Wautlet
Meeting called to order at 6:47pm.
- Guest introductions: Karen Bachhuber, Jean Hedges, John Maurice, June Stueck, Peter Stueck, Barri Wautlet
- Cam Maurice was thanked for having recorded minutes at 5/14/15 meeting. They were accepted, motioned and approved.
- Treasurer’s report: balance as of 9/05/15 was $1,855.42. It included a $250 IATC Convention Delegate (Donna Weis) reimbursement. Report was accepted, motioned and approved. Barbara noted membership dues for 2015-2016 year will be due at next meeting: $70 for individual and first household member and $45 for second household member. (Note from BK: I think I said $40 for second household member at the meeting, but it is $45.)
- New Business:
A: Report from our IATC Convention delegate will be postponed until October when Donna can share her experience.
B: 8/13/15 summer gathering at Barbara and Bill Kelly’s received rave reviews. Richard read a poem Cam wrote recapping the evening.
C: Club tradition is recognizing a member who has passed by donating a book to the Appleton Public Library on a subject of person’s interest. Up to $75 for a book or books of choice was approved in memory of Dwight Easty. Peter Thiel is in contact with Dwight’s children for subject recommendations.
D: Other new business: Barbara Kelly shared an email advising us of a region change. IATC has reassigned Fox Valley from Region 7 to Region 6, which includes six chapters in Michigan. Region 6 center is Kalamazoo, also the location of the 2016 IATC Convention. - Announcements:
1. Both Richard and Barbara saw Leota Ester at Women’s Business Luncheon 9/10/15. She and Lee were instrumental in creating the Torch Club of the Fox Valley.
2. Barbara has tickets available (starting at $40) for upcoming E.A.T.s event Saturday 11/07/15, 6-9pm, at UW-Fox Valley. A fundraiser for UW-Fox Foundation, the goal is to raise $75,000 towards $180k of scholarships given to worthy students. Evening highlights are a variety of delightful food samplings and a silent auction.
2. Jan mentioned upcoming event at the Bergstrom-Mahler of Glass: Art in Motion, 10/08-10/11/15. Weekend includes fine art and fast cars (Ferraris), to benefit programs at the museum; presented in partnership with Motion Products, Inc. Special guest is world-renowned master glass artist Lino Tagliapietra from Murano, Italy.
4. In Mary Paulson’s absence, Jude shared that Noonhour Philosophers will start Wednesday 10/07/15 with David Burrows, Provost from Lawrence University, topic TBA. Amy Oberg will be speaking Wednesday 11/11/15.
Business segment adjourned at 7:13pm for dinner.
Cam Maurice presented “Poetry”
Considered her avocation (vs. vocation), there is no definition of poetry. In David McCullough’s book ‘John Adams’, Cam agrees with the sentence: “You’ll never be alone if you have a poet in the house”.
Poetry means what it means to you. A poem doesn’t need to mean anything, it just needs to be.
Robert Frost said there are two types of poetry: access and inaccessible.
Biblio-therapy selects novels for self-help. Poetry can be used much the same way. It can be comforting, reassuring, thought-provoking. Poems can run the gamut of emotions and life experiences. 1950s jingles were actually poems. Dorothy Parker was known for her catchy and short poems.
Reading a poem can be an experience that leaves you speechless. Sometimes it’s helpful to read it three of four times, with space in between, to digest its nostalgia, imagine and meaning.
Poetry requires attentiveness. And the greatest gift you can give today is your attention.
Poetry Foundation website is a good source to find a poem, or one by topic. Cam, husband John and Nancy, who participated in one of Cam’s classes on Poetry, read several pieces throughout the talk. Cam closed with one of her favorites: ‘Blessing the Boats’ by Louise Clifton.