Meeting Minutes — Torch Club of the Fox Valley
September 9, 2021
Notes taken by Richard Schoenbohm, Secretary
Attending: Bill Kelly, Mary Flanagan, Paul Freiberg, Barbara Kelly, Jean Jepson, Sue Bennett, Brian Bushaw, Marcia Debbink, Terri Dougherty, Walt Hedges, Richard Schoenbohm, Kris Stahl, and Bert Wiegand.
Guest: Sophia Wilson
Called to order by President Paul at 6:06 pm.
The prior meeting’s minutes were presented. There were no additions or corrections. The minutes were approved.
Barbara presented the Treasurer’s report. The club has finally been billed $1,100 by Torch International for this year’s dues. The club’s beginning balance was $2,847.31. The dues have been paid, leaving a current balance of $1,747.13. The next billing by Torch International will be in January 2022 for that year. Barb has sent an email with a roster to all club members. Please respond to her updating any changes in your information. Also, if you know that you will not be continuing as a member in 2022, please let Barb know. There should be future discussion on any reduction in the amount of club dues (as opposed to International dues) paid by members, and/or whether part of the current balance in the bank account should be applied to a club activity. Following this discussion the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Under new business, Paul thanked Barb and Bill for hosting the summer party. It was lovely, and the personal contact after the long Covid separation was very meaningful. The location of the October meeting and future meetings was discussed. For now it was agreed to hold the October meeting at the North Meade Street Bistro. Barb and Paul are looking at equipment that might make hybrid (in-person and virtual) possible.
Paul announced an on-line learning program that he has enjoyed: One Day University. Talk to Paul about the details or check it out yourself.
The business meeting then adjourned for the presentation of the round robin program: What is the best advice you have ever received.
Every member present participated, plus Barb shared Scott’s email reporting the advice that he had received. For brevity, I am just reporting the advice received. In doing so, I am also trying to preserve privacy. The minutes are posted to the club’s website. The background to the advice was often as interesting as the advice, but contained a lot of personal information. You can reach out to your fellow members if you would like to hear more about the background.
Sue said the best advice she received was from her sister who told her to live your life so that you have no regrets. To do so she has benn kind, forgiving, grateful, and aware of other’s needs.
Brian said his best career advice came from a trial judge who told his that if a Judge was not asking him questions, that was a good thing.
Marcia said that the best advice she had received was to pick you battles, which has allowed her to be more focused and receptive.
Terri said a high school coach told her and her teammates to not eat greasy food before a game, which has made her feel strong enough to buck the “norm.” A second piece of advice was that you don’t learn anything when you are talking.
Mary said the advice she received was to write 20 minutes a day, which has allowed her to cope with difficult circumstances such as grief.
Paul’s father-in-law told him to always have two nickels to rub together, which has kept Paul focused on retaining financial and emotional stability for his family.
Walt’s brother told him it was okay to ignore tradition. It was more important for Walt to do what was right for Walt.
Jean’s physical therapist told her to never to be ashamed to quote a good message from a bad writer.
Bill received the best advice of his life at age 14, when a stranger seeing him with his first pack of cigarettes, told him that he would regret smoking. Bill gave the pack away and never used tobacco.
Barb said that when home for the summer as a college sophomore and out for an evening with some girl friends, one of them told her not to give up on trying to attract the attention of the young man who walked up to her group. She followed the advice and has been married to that young man for 50 years.
Richard, while hitchhiking back to college, received advice from a man giving him a lift: choose science as his major over history. And that turned out to be a perfect fit.
Kris received advice that, when paralyzed in trying to make a difficult decision, if you think first of the worst possible consequences of the decision, and then work back to all the other possible outcomes, you will be freed to take action.
Scott wrote that the best career advice he received was to move toward the things that really excite you and you will be in a good place. Don’t take a career or job in a field to escape, avoid, or run from something that you don’t like.
After Bert finished telling in his supervisor of the difficulties of a unit Bert was managing, the supervisor told Bert “take this monkey you brought in out with you.” Bert has followed this advice in his career and with family by accepting ownership and responsibility for problems.
Sofia received two pieces of advice. First, never settle for the status quo if it is not satisfactory. Second, never be afraid to ask questions.
The meeting then reconvened for a few final words from Paul, and was then adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Secretary Richard Schoenbohm