Meeting Minutes — Torch Club of the Fox Valley
September 22, 2022
Touchmark on West Prospect
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
Attendees: Paul Frieberg, Bill Kelly, Barb Kelly, Sue Bennett, Nancy Bodway, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Mary Flanagan, Walt Hedges, Mary Poulson, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Donna Weis and Bert Wiegand. Jan Mirenda Smith and Scott Valitchka joined us for the program.
Guests: Nancy Viegut
BUSINESS MEETING was called to order by President Paul at 6:00 p.m.
Paul introduced Sue’s guest, her sister Nancy Viegut, who is visiting from Pennsylvania.
Minutes of the May Meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report was approved as reported.
Barb also reported that the club is current on all dues for 2022 and that dues for 2023 of $70.00 per
person and $45 for second household member should be paid to her at the November meeting.
Barb has been in contact with TouchMark with regard to securing meeting dates and reports that the third Thursdays of October, November and December have been reserved for our TCFV meetings.
Paul reminded us that we will be electing new officers in March and they will begin their terms in May.
Paul presented Barb with the IATC Silver Award for her outstanding service to our club and also to our community. Congratulations Barb!
Bill passed around sign-up sheet for scheduling upcoming papers.
We sang Happy Birthday to Sue.
Business meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm
Mary Flanagan gave her presentation on “What’s in the Bogs”, which was about the many bogs of Ireland that she learned about personally while traveling there. Mary tells the story of ancient bogs and how they developed over the ages. The bogs provided peat for fuel and they were excellent at the preservation of ancient artifacts, bodies and even butter! Thank you, Mary.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:35