Meeting Minutes — Torch Club of the Fox Valley
21 September 2023
Virtual Meeting via Zoom due to several members and Touchmark residents having Covid.
Notes taken by: Sue Bennett, Secretary
ATTENDEES: Sue Bennett, David Debbink, Marcia Debbink, Paul Freiberg, Walt Hedges, Barb Kelly, Bill Kelly, Jan Mirenda Smith, Kris Stahl, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Bert Wiegland
Guest: Sofia Wilson
BUSINESS MEETING: Called to order by President Bill at 6:06 p.m.
MINUTES: Approved as published.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Current balance is $2,136.04 after receipts of $180.00 meal payments and $300.00 IATC delegate reimbursement; and after disbursements of $182.00 to Touchmark for meals and 22.99 for our website domain name renewal. Barb asked the group if they felt it was worth having the website. There were no objections to continuing with the website. The website is a good resource and members are encouraged to use it.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Bert reported the following schedule of presentations:
October – Sue, November –Barb, December – Paul, January – Bert, February – David, March, April and May are still open.
OLD BUSINESS: Paul reported that he very much enjoyed attending the IATC convention. Paul will be reimbursed the $300.00 that our club was reimbursed by IATC for attendees. This money is usually divided among our chapter members who attend the convention. Since Paul was our only attendee, he will receive the full $300.00.
After much discussion and consideration, IATC has voted to raise the annual member dues to $65.00 for individual and $32.50 for each additional household member. After discussion by our membership in attendance, it was moved by Scott and seconded by Bill that our local dues be $20.00 per individual and $22.50 for additional household member, making the annual dues $85.00 and $55.00 respectively. Motion passed with all in favor.
On another convention note, our very own Paul Friedberg was elected IATC treasurer. Congrats Paul! The 2024 IATC Convention will be in Richmond, VA, June 20-24 and all members are encouraged to think about attending.
NEW BUSINESS: Peter shared that Touchmark will be providing Covid vaccinations to its residents by the end of August.
Business meeting was adjourned at 6:32
PRESENTATION: Roundtable. President Bill asked members to talk about a favorite book that they have read or a gift that they have received.
Nancy Bodway was not able to attend, but she asked Bill to share that she had read, “The American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer”, by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin.
Bill received a gift of the book,” The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse”, by Charlie Macke
Barb received the gift of a journal from New Leaf Paper, which was made of recycled paper. Kris talked about a true story, told anonymously, entitled, “Illegal”, by Jose Angel N.
Peter received the special gift of “lox of love” from his son Mark, which was home smoked salmon lox.
Walt shared that he and his wife received a trip to Norway from his brother-in-law to meet family and discover his ancestry.
Sofia talked about “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, by Patrick Lencioni and “The Six types of Working Genius”, also by Patrick Lencioni.
Sue talked about the book, “Educated”, a memoir by Tara Westover.
Paul shared about the book, “Dinner with the President”, by Alex Prud’homme.
Bert talked about the book, “Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman!, by Richard Feynman.
Scott’s book was, “Neither Wolf nor Dog”, by Kent Nerburn.
Jan talked about two books she read, which were “Nicked & Dimed”, by Barbara Ehrenreich and “Evicted”, by Matthew Desmond”.
Marcia shared that she and David experience the special gift of vacationing on Lake Michigan this past summer with their blended family.
David received the gift from Marcia of “new” wheels for the vintage car his is rebuilding and the great deal he got on them.